Metroid Prime 3 official boxart +conformation of no online

Keep up with microsoft? "They are selling more than microsoft as we speak!" You've got to be kidding me, all nintendo needs to do is let the other 3party developers put online, b/c they are the reason why the others parties havent put any online until now!
Well no matter if this game does or does not have online, I will still have to check it out.
It just looks and sounds good.
Online would be dope though don't get me wrong.
Wii_Smurf said:
Best do,
My god that game will suck otherwise

Tell me why a game of Top notch single player would suck cause it would get something it has never had, Metroid prime is not Ninty's "Halo". I'm frankly getting sick of your 'type' cause i encounter it sadly too often on these kind of forums.
Ashenshugar said:
Tell me why a game of Top notch single player would suck cause it would get something it has never had, Metroid prime is not Ninty's "Halo". I'm frankly getting sick of your 'type' cause i encounter it sadly too often on these kind of forums.

why does everybody want online w/ metroid??? it's perfect just how it is.
if this game doesnt end up online i am DONE with nintendo. they cant just not include online after 8 months.

k maybe i exaderated a bit.. ill just be a little ticked. i dont want to play pokemon give us a REAL game.
why must metroid be online??? what would you DO?? shoot ppl with your 5 weapons?!?! big deal!!!! it's not about that, it's about playing a hundred hours in order to find those five weapons in the first place!
People, just because you like a FPS single player campaign, doesn't mean it would make a good online shooter. And honestly I don't think Metroid would be that great. It would be like playing quake II or even the free game Alien Arena for pc.
TortillaChip520 said:
why must metroid be online??? what would you DO?? shoot ppl with your 5 weapons?!?! big deal!!!! it's not about that, it's about playing a hundred hours in order to find those five weapons in the first place!

Hear Hear!
TortillaChip520 said:
why must metroid be online??? what would you DO?? shoot ppl with your 5 weapons?!?! big deal!!!! it's not about that, it's about playing a hundred hours in order to find those five weapons in the first place!

I do understand your point, but I think having online would just add to the fun. Hell, I know that when I buy it, online won't be a factor. I made my decision before I ever saw the cover art based on what you just said. But if I could also go online and have some multiplayer action with my friends at night who live out of state, I would be ecstatic. It would be a fantastic bonus to an already incredible game.
vagrant said:
People, just because you like a FPS single player campaign, doesn't mean it would make a good online shooter. And honestly I don't think Metroid would be that great. It would be like playing quake II or even the free game Alien Arena for pc.

I totally agree with you, it would suck online. But, besides Nintendo no one is making any games for the Wii that are good.
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If it doesn't have online, i Don't see the point buying it. Same rehashed storyline, same attacks and powerups. No online, if Nintendo will fail to progress into territory that has been around for years. Then i will lose faith in ever seeing an online fps from them.
Thundercun7 said:
If it doesn't have online, i Don't see the point buying it. Same rehashed storyline, same attacks and powerups. No online, if Nintendo will fail to progress into territory that has been around for years. Then i will lose faith in ever seeing an online fps from them.

Let me first say how much I love your name.

And secondly, going online isn't necessarily natural progression. Some games just focus on single player campaign and others focus on multiplayer.

Halo campaign sucks balls