Metroid Prime 3 revolutionary?

I never thought about that. Maybe thats why the holdoff on online. Makes sense.

I had never taken into account the space required to complete such updates. Its a good point. With Nintendo supposedly using WiiConnect24 on all of the big three, it seems to me that Ninty must be revealing a hard drive of sorts at E3. Its the only logical explanation...
GamerCon said:
Will it 'revolutionize' FPS's? No. If Red Steel, Far Cry, Elebits and Medal of Honer didnt 'revolutionize' FPS's, neither will MP3.

I disagree totally, theres a reason why the makers of MP3 held back this game, if you read in the article, "find it, if you want" that they going to make the game as perfect as they could before releasing it!

(that may not be a revolution to you, but that seems like a major revolution to me!)
CyanRussel said:
I disagree totally, theres a reason why the makers of MP3 held back this game, if you read in the article, "find it, if you want" that they going to make the game as perfect as they could before releasing it!

(that may not be a revolution to you, but that seems like a major revolution to me!)
So let me get this straight. When a company actually tries to make a game good its a revolution? Well when it comes to Nintendo its more of a miracle. The only reason you think its a revolution, is what other companies have been doing for a long time. I understand where your coming from, they hardly ever try to make a game good but thats not a revolution.

Its not a revolution.
^Dude, quit acting like your an all-knowing god or something. There's no way of knowing what it is until we play it. So unless youve already completed MP3: Corruption, I suggest that you stop trying to prove to us that it isnt a revolution, because the whole anti-metroid, anti-nintendo, anti-everything is making you sound like a dick imo.
Im not anti-nintendo, im anti-tardness. Im not all knowing. you guys are making the CD burner look revolutionary. It was back the first time it was used, for companies, to make CD's. Just because it was released for public use didnt make it a revolution cause companies had burners for a long time. If that makes sense for you.

The Wiimote was 'revolutionary' sure but since they already have a few shooters, making a new one wouldnt be considered a revolution. Final Fantasy 7 wasnt a revolution, it was 3D and things but the same thing as the other ones. MP3 is just a FPS that uses the Wiimote, there are a lot of FPS's that use the Wiimote. Really think about what a revolution is.

If i sound like a dick, toasty. So your a little more closed minded then me, oh well. I have a Wii and some FPS games for it so i already know what the layout of MP3 will be like.
LevesqueIsKing said:
So unless youve already completed MP3: Corruption, I suggest that you stop trying to prove to us that it isnt a revolution

Actually it is on the believers to prove to everyone else that MP3 is a revolution.
DazzeL said:
Firstly, Levesque is entirely correct. Metroid NEEDS online to challenge as one of the greats of it's generation.

GamerCon, you've misunderstand what I meant be 'revolutionary'. Revolutionary is not always the first. For example, the game that 'revolutionised' RTS's was Command and Conquer. Was it the first of it's kind? Hell no, Dune 2 had been out for years. What made CnC the revolutionary title was that the masses picket it up, played it and made it the standard setter. After all, in a literal sense that is what a revolution is - change from below; change because a mass of people made it that way. Thus, it does not need to be the first game to use Wii controls, it needs to be the first game to take off because of them.

Regardless of how good they make these controls though they will need to be online. Online multiplayer really is the key component to modern gaming. Single player storylines still have a place but what make games last an age is competitive, online play - "eSports" if you were, like Counter Strike on the PC. Another example of a game that most certainly wasn't the first keyboard and mouse FPS but was the first one to really take off in a massive, massive way online in a competitive sense.

You seem to have ignored me GamerCon. I've already explained why Metroid could be revolutionary. Granted, if it does turn out just like Red Steel, MoH, CoD 3 then it won't be, no. But it has the potential to be something entirely different - something that sets the format for which FPS games are thereafter played in. Theres nothing closed minded in this way of thinking. No one is saying "Metroid is the revolution". What is being said is that it has the potential to be - as has every FPS released on Wii thus far. They haven't made the grade and this is linked to the quality of those games; they have not 'revolutionised' FPS gaming because they have not been good enough to. For a Wii FPS to 'revolutionise' FPS's it's not only going to have to be different, it's going to have to be better and both developers and gamers are going to have to think it's better so that from that point on it is considered the besy format for FPS shooters.

My view? Well it probably won't be revolutionary, not yet anyway, simply because of the XBox 360, the PS3 and a likely lack of online. It's impossible therefore to make the "Metroid format" - if it is indeed the best way of playing a console fps, the one in which all future games are made.
Dazzel I didnt ignore you. I havent actually played Dune so i snaged a copy of Dun 2, the only one i could find easily. I would say its not far from C&C, i wouldnt say C&C revolutionized RTS's. The difference is Dune revolutionized RTS's, C&C streamlined it.

MP3 wont be like Red Steel, MoH, CoD3 cause its a different game entierly. The sense of 'point and shoot' will still be the same. It will simply streamline gameplay, not revolutionize it.

I dont use that word lightly, its a very big honor for a game to revolutionize anything. Resident Evil (Biohazard) revolutionized and invented the survival horror. Other games just based and streamlined controls/game play.

My view. MP3 will most likely be a great game, such as Perfect Dark was to Golden Eye, but not a revolutionary one. The lack of online play is needed if they want it to look as good as it can.
GamerCon said:
such as Perfect Dark was to Golden Eye, but not a revolutionary one.
I think Perfect Dark did something that no others have done since: it made playable a multiplayer game into a single player one. It's got a tonne more features that were really quite innovative (psychosis gun, laptop gun, remote controlled rocket launchers, the ability to actually instruct computer players to do different things etc). Though I agree it didn't "revolutionise". I think people need to realise that whether it's revolutionary or not, it will still be a game that looks incredibly promising.

The lack of online play is needed if they want it to look as good as it can.
I'm not too bothered about online tbh. It's always better to have a few people round, with some beers, dorritos and such. I appreciate that online would be nice, but not essential for it's success.
Squall7 said:
It's got a tonne more features that were really quite innovative
Agreed, with everything. It was innovative. I love that game.

So MP3 will not be revolutionary, just innovative. Is that better?
The game is pretty obviously evolutionary, not revolutionary. What gives it the potential to be one of the greats is not some unbelievable innovation or creativity, but rock-solid execution and the ability for pin-point accuracy (tight controls are a common Nintendo strength). Online play, doubtful as it is, would give a bigger audience greater access to that execution and more reason to get deeper into the game, further ingraining MP3 into our hearts and minds.

It isn't really an insult to say that something isn't revolutionary. Frequently the first company to do something isn't the one that survives. Being first comes with many pitfalls and perils. Usually, the company that comes in behind the revolutionaries and learns from all their mistakes and triumphs succeed.

Battles said:
lets just hope nintendo tells everyone the release date for this game at E3, along with other crucial info about Wii. Can we say possible harddrive?

The release date is late August (20th?) and was announced several weeks ago. Given the speed at which Nintendo is approaching online activity (Very, very slowly), I'd be amazed to see an HD come in at E3. But I wouldn't be surprised the rumor of new hardware being into'd was true.
Wiinter said:
Usually, the company that comes in behind the revolutionaries and learns from all their mistakes and triumphs succeed.
Absolutely, just like the Dreamcast and online play.

Interestingly though, it seems to have become a deal-breaking feature. I think Nintendo were right to hold out of online til this long - it's not making it standard, it's a creditable feature. Also the fact that there were tonnes of people that didn't have broadband speed internet access back in 2001. I know I didn't (not at home anyway).
Your all entirely correct. Of course, you could interpret 'revolutionary' as the first game to do something. I suppose that's fair. All I was saying is that I don't think that's the best way of terming it. I class something as 'revolutionary' only when it actually creates a revolution; i.e. changing how a genre/game is played that is taken as the new standard.

Anyone I think we've exhausted that topic :p

As for online I think it's really important for any game to become "big" these days. I wouldn't say I agree with Nintendos pace, but it does seem to be quickening. I think it was right to hold off last gen but they should of done more this gen. Still, it does seem to be coming. Just not for Metroid.