My virtual console rant

Just becuase its new does not mean they cant add stuff to it. Its the companies they need to stop rushing and wait a extra month or 2 put the system up with some good games, the online set up etc and they need to make more systems Im really tired of them being sold out they know its going to happen so make more than double than they have before. For the Wii I really dont get how it took them 5 years to make I mean its just a gamecube that has bigger disks I mean look the Graphics are almost the same, only a 512 hard drive and a sensor bar. That seems to soemthing that could have ready by last christmas and started making them in the beggining of 06 and had over 2 timnes more systems/remotes/downloadable games. But I mean why break the trend of not having the system 100% ready when it comes out? lol
JerrodDRagon said:
Just becuase its new does not mean they cant add stuff to it. Its the companies they need to stop rushing and wait a extra month or 2 put the system up with some good games, the online set up etc and they need to make more systems Im really tired of them being sold out they know its going to happen so make more than double than they have before. For the Wii I really dont get how it took them 5 years to make I mean its just a gamecube that has bigger disks I mean look the Graphics are almost the same, only a 512 Flash drive and a sensor bar. That seems to soemthing that could have ready by last christmas and started making them in the beggining of 06 and had over 2 timnes more systems/remotes/downloadable games. But I mean why break the trend of not having the system 100% ready when it comes out? lol
JerrodDRagon said:
Just becuase its new does not mean they cant add stuff to it. Its the companies they need to stop rushing and wait a extra month or 2 put the system up with some good games, the online set up etc and they need to make more systems Im really tired of them being sold out they know its going to happen so make more than double than they have before. For the Wii I really dont get how it took them 5 years to make I mean its just a gamecube that has bigger disks I mean look the Graphics are almost the same, only a 512 hard drive and a sensor bar. That seems to soemthing that could have ready by last christmas and started making them in the beggining of 06 and had over 2 timnes more systems/remotes/downloadable games. But I mean why break the trend of not having the system 100% ready when it comes out? lol
Because A: the games on vitual console have been in the works for decades. It will be years before *all* the games are out, and also this is the first Nintendo console to be standalone. Did you hear anyone complaining that the Gamecube wan't online when it came out? No, because there was no online, be thankful for what you have.
Plenty of people complained about GC not being online, because there was an online presence. Dreamcast was already out. GC then did PSO. We always want more and something like a true Online where I can play someone across the country is so common place now that we expected that Nintendo could pull it off at launch.
We all know how easy it is to emulate SNES, NES, Genesis, etc games. Once the engine was done, they could have had EVERY SINGLE game online ready to download and play from day one. The reason they didn't is more of a money grab. We buy crappy VC's today, knowing we will still buy the good ones when available.
Not a rant, just the Truth. ;)
It crazy to think Nintendo couldn't have had a lot more VC titles at launch and launch daily not weekly.

think of the load their servers must experience every monday when they release more. I hate the wait also find it anoying to add 2 or 3 titles each week when i can download them and beat them all before next release day

I think they should have had a whack of titles at launch and lots of new ones every week or so.

With the lack of great titles for the Wii (Zelda great but a gamecube port, Excite Truck crazy fun, COD3 not bad better on PC though others look like Kid's titles) I rely on the VC titles to hold me over as I miss my old SNES and games

I have downloaded almost every title available as they are classics but we sure are missing a LOT especially N64 and SNES titles like Super Mario World

I would love to see Mario All Stars too sames as originals with better graphics.

Hurry up Nintendo get more titles NOW
nyk0n said:
It crazy to think Nintendo couldn't have had a lot more VC titles at launch and launch daily not weekly.

think of the load their servers must experience every monday when they release more.
If they are running all the downloads from a partition on Miyamoto's office pc you might have a point. Anyone that can grasp network server scale knows that it is done everyday to a lot grander scale than what Nintendo would see. Think of the load on web-based email clients (hotmail, gmail,, etc) or even better shareware\freeware download sites (snapfiles,, etc).
Remember Nintendo is not giving away these VC's so not everyone is hitting the Wii shop every Monday with their Mom's credit card in hand. And one more thing if Nintendo is doing the Server infrastructure in house, they are stupid. Outsourcing the downloads to an established Server Farm that would barely register the Nintendo traffic amongst their other traffic would be the smartest move (one less thing for Nintendo to worry about).
The hit on their servers has ZERO to do with why we don’t have grade A VC’s to download. And that’s a Fact.