Omg Lost Omg Lost!!!

*Chris* said:
Yeey for LOST!!

BOO! for LOST moving to sky one!!

Yeey for me now having sky one!
yay for my illegal cable hookup. well I don't know how illegal my hookup is, I had a telewest cable in my house, but it didn't have a head to connect to the TV, we made one, searched for the channels and voila its quite limited but sky one has got some good programs.
It started in Ireland a while ago...

oh btw piracy ftw lol I can watch even before irish release omghax
oi if u wanna see all new eps of lost (only do this if you have A: Dial-Up (it will be very slow) or B:a Broadband with like 12 gigs of usage of something) go and look up peekvid in google or yahoooooo or something

The others are more civilized than you think, you will find out in the first few minutes of the first episode, season 3