PS3 is simply ahead of its time.

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Developers just aren't taking full advantage of what the PS3 is capable. They can't stuff 50GB of content into a game, because then there'd be no way to go multi platform. Exclusives are going the way of the dodo... the best way to make money is to push your product to as many consumers as possible.

When there is extra content on the PS3 version, what is it? Videos, music, "making of" nonsense that very few gamers are actually interested in.

And in the end, you still have a 2 speed drive pulling all that data off the disc at a snail like pace. Blu Ray was a mistake.
santo said:
Developers just aren't taking full advantage of what the PS3 is capable. They can't stuff 50GB of content into a game, because then there'd be no way to go multi platform.

Yet.. Developers are not taking full advantage of the medium YET. But they are playing with it, and yes even the multiplatform ones. I dont think they are supposed to fill it up to the top so soon after its release, but the key is, is that it gives developers.. the producer... the freedom to make a game as he sees fit.
Also do not forget Sony has been strengthening its first person game developement. They are making a ton of their own games to with the system. Their line up is getting pretty big now. These games have the freedom to use blue ray to its full extent even more. The maker of MGS4 said basically that the PS3 offers the only cinematic tech that he needed for his title and thats why it will .. and can only stay.. an exclusive. Square Enix is known in the past for using multipul discs, imagine what they can do on just one 50gig disc and their Final Fantasy Franchise.

Blue ray also helps prevent piracy. The more data, even if its dummy data or non compressed data, is on a single disc, the harder it becomes to download. Not many are set up to freely download 30-50gigs for one game. And we cant forget the Playstation Edge, a kit shown off at GDC 2007 to help developers take full advantage of the system.

Its really a pros and cons situation. You can keep focusing on the cons if you wish, but i will point out the pros.

When there is extra content on the PS3 version, what is it? Videos, music, "making of" nonsense that very few gamers are actually interested in.

Im glad you speak for everyone. Miss Cleo. I for one if playing a game like gta love the music, if playing a game with video.. love the video, i love when theres a lot more of media that my senses can enjoy. I also know that those types of media will not be limited to the blue ray but the bare minimum in how it is use.

To be honest, its too early for you to be making these claims, way too early.

And in the end, you still have a 2 speed drive pulling all that data off the disc at a snail like pace. Blu Ray was a mistake.
In the end you dont seem to see the bigger picture. The chances go up that the next wave of consoles will include blue ray technology. Microsoft already said they were considering a blue ray attachment for the 360.

You say it was a mistake, I say it was a gamble. One of those things you have to watch for awhile before saying if it fails or not, because its way too early. You are entitled to your opinion, however premature it is.
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Shiftfallout said:
Also do not forget Sony has been strengthening its first person game developement. They are making a ton of their own games to with the system. Their line up is getting pretty big now. These games have the freedom to use blue ray to its full extent even more. The maker of MGS4 said basically that the PS3 offers the only cinematic tech that he needed for his title and thats why it will .. and can only stay.. an exclusive. Square Enix is known in the past for using multipul discs, imagine what they can do on just one 50gig disc and their Final Fantasy Franchise.

Okay, so their first party lineup is huge. But this brings the question....With so many games coming from basicly the same places, will this water down the time to be spent on each game, thus killing the quality? I mean, the length of most games right now is crap, but if these producers get even further loaded down, just imagine how low they can go. Unless Sony is dispersing their workload, I don't see how a huge lineup is going to help. This is where 3rd party brings a win.
Let's cover the previous storage capacity. The N64, DC, PS2, and Xbox. Around 90% of all games for each system did not use even 75% of the capacity for those consoles. I doubt few companies will manage to fill the entire Blue Ray capacity. Ogre Battle 64, Xeno Saga are just a handful of games that actually used the full capacity back then.

If you go over the capacity like Resident Evil 4, and FF7 that's also not meeting the target. Very few, and I mean very few games will come close to the exact capacity.
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I don't think it's too early to claim the inclusion of BR a mistake at all. Whether or not the system suceeds in the long run, it has had a very rough start. Sony and the PS3 have a poor public image at the moment, and it won't be easy to get back on their feet. Will they win in the end? Can't say. Would they have had a much clearer shot to victory with a $300 console six months earlier? Hell yes. What caused the delay and the price? Blu-Ray.
sony's first party dev's are in teams.each team has a game to make.its not like the whole sony first party lineup is 1 big room of guys making the same games.ALOT of there first party games now were 3rdparty companies which sony bought.i.e. the dev comapny of lil big planet (cant remember the name)and sony's 1st party is HUGE.only EA sports is bigger.

know one is saying that they have to fill up all 50gb but even 30gb is more then 1 dvd9.the point is more discs is more money.but i feel im typing for no reason. the majority of the people on here dont listen and in fact have nextgen wars on there signature,so that shows how much they know.LMAO
I'd love for some names of these groups. Remember there is a difference between first and second party developers, so ones that seem to be first party may actually be second party.

Anyways, please share the list to see how many first party developers there are for the Playstation.
ok as im STILL searching for this dumb graph the companies name is media purchased them after getting pitched the idea for little big planet.they are now first party
Turtle, you repeatedly double post on these forums, please edit your previous posts!

Not many compaines do manage to fill the maximum storage capacity however if there is more space available, then 75% may be filled up, however this is still going to be more then what we have at the moment. Maybe soon enough we could be seeing a much higher potential of the PS3
turtle112 said:
ok as im STILL searching for this dumb graph the companies name is media purchased them after getting pitched the idea for little big planet.they are now first party
Ok. Anymore?

Also, it's interesting that they were only formed in January 2006. This seems to be their first game too. Well, I think we do need more British game developers, although I would have prefered them on a Nintendo console.

*sigh* I miss Rare...
Squall7 said:
Ok. Anymore?

Also, it's interesting that they were only formed in January 2006. This seems to be their first game too. Well, I think we do need more British game developers, although I would have prefered them on a Nintendo console.

*sigh* I miss Rare...

Rare was good. Anyone else a big fan of Conkers bad fur day? best game ever made .. maybe lol

As for MMs first game, it was rag doll kung fu found on STEAM. A popular downloadable game that uses the Half Life 2 engine and physics system.