PS3/Xbox 360, might buy one of the two, help...

Im seeing more RPGs on the 360, DS, and Wii. Sure the PS3 is gonna get Final Fantasy but the 360 has Blue Dragon and Elder Scrolls Oblivion, the Wii has Dragon Quest Swords and Opoona, DS has Dragon Quest 9 and Final Fantasy 3. But of course there are a lot more RPGs for the 3 systems but I know the 360 will be much more satisfying than the PS3 when it comes to the fantasy type games and cheaper lol!
BTW the PS3 didnt drop price. The 60GB is $500 now but Sony comfirmed that they will stop making the 60GB and start making 80GB systems. So you only have untill all the 60GB are sold out to pay only $500!
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