Should I get another PS2 or a new 360?

I have a 360 and a Ps2, but at this point I'd rather have my Ps2 by far. It's just got a better and more diversed library, but who knows maybe the 360 will follow the Ps2's lead in the future.

Sure the 360 will have Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, and Lost Oddysey...but that's 3 games. It seems the ps2 is still having new RPGs though in addition to its large library of RPGs, Odin Sphere in particular looks amazingly awesome.

As of now the 360 seems to be following the xbox's ways because it's mostly action/shooter games, and a couple of games out of those genre and that's it.

I say Ps2, it's got what RPG gamers want and IMO what hardcore gamers that play all genres want as well.
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The 360 dosent have Disgaea 2

Glad you went with a PS2. I was going to suggest to. There are sooooo many good RPGs on the PS2. Not even the ones out now. You can get some classics on the internet for dirt cheap. Just to name a few:

(First and foremost) Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and XII (I heard X-2 was ****, and I personally hated IX)
Vagrant Story
Chrono Cross
Dark Cloud (100+ hours gameplay)

Not to mention the kick ass action/platformers:

Jak & Daxter
Ratchet & Clank
God of War
Shadow of the Colossus

Gran Turismo 4 is great too, but Forza is probably better.
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Im paying 31.00 bucks on Ebay for one that works fine...but the tray dosnt open up sometimes (his solution is to just press on the tray and it will come out) Damn...Ebay is intense though...really I leave for one minute and someone else bids higher than me!