The have you seen me online thread.

Has anyone seen me? Marsh is my username. I've played with you Treezy, I've played with quite a few Gunner's though.
I have definitely run into Arronax a few times, although not since you added the S1+ tag. And Dark-G, probably one of the best snipers in the game IMO.
Flattery will get you sniped buster!I kid. Thanks for the kind words. We certainly don't need to discuss who the better pure shooter is between us. I've died enough to know who'll win that one every time. Just got my fourth sniper riffle, the WAH I believe. Mostly crap. It has a very strange recoil that causes your whole body to move up and back to the right. It's supposed to be more accurate? I don't think so. See you all in rooms!If don't see
Lol, nice one Dark G. If you don't see ME, it's because I'm either somewhere else on the map (if a grenade hits you from seemingly nowhere, I probably threw a grenade at you from the other side of Outpost to see if I'd get a lucky kill), or I'm practically right next to you about to blow your face off. Oh yeah, I have a habit of getting revenge on snipers who keep killing me, or anyone who keeps dominating me for that matter, so WATCH OUT IF YOU SEE ME!!:devil: As for you Derpmuch, I'm pretty darn sure I've seen you. If you recognize the names I mentioned using in one of my previous posts on here, you might recognize me. How did I do in the games I fought with/against you? Please tell me your opinion. You should also find my FC somewhere in one of my posts, so add me when you get the chance. I will add you when I get the chance, although that may not happen for a while, so have patience.
I'm on once in a while as Sparky... sometimes I snipe... sometimes I run and gun... depends on what I feel like, what room I'm in, and with whom I play with. Hardly ever have any friends on, so I'm usually solo. Anyone seen me? just turned LV37.
I think I've seen you too, once or twice. Pretty sure it was toward the beginning of my online "career". And can somebody tell me how to display my WiFi info at the bottom like the rest of you so I don't have to keep re-posting it all?
I think I've seen you too, once or twice. Pretty sure it was toward the beginning of my online "career". And can somebody tell me how to display my WiFi info at the bottom like the rest of you so I don't have to keep re-posting it all?

Not sure I remember you....
I swear I tried that once already...I guess it couldn't hurt to try again! XD
I've seen quite a lot of you guys online. I'm called 00 T0a$t/FG atm. If any of u want to add me then post with ur fc and I'll add u