The next possable VC realeseis

Napalmbrain said:
The only way you get Super Smash Bros. is if no one on this forum mentions it. Nintendo rarely gives "you" what you want (particularly if your username is Conan the Librarian or Sagema), so if you stop wanting it, they'll release it.
That should get them to shut up about that stupid game.

He's right. I stopped wanting anything, and POOF, Blades of Steel falls in my lap.

Just to spite some of you......I WANT SSBB!!!!!WHERE IS IT???? I DONT SEE IT ON THE SHOP CHANNEL! IS IT BROKEN??? Hopefully that will stall it some more.
Napalmbrain said:
The only way you get Super Smash Bros. is if no one on this forum mentions it. Nintendo rarely gives "you" what you want (particularly if your username is Conan the Librarian or Sagema), so if you stop wanting it, they'll release it.
That should get them to shut up about that stupid game.

Well if this is true then i want all the games on the virtual console except Super Smash Bros.!
matthewj said:
Well if this is true then i want all the games on the virtual console except Super Smash Bros.!

at least you just stopped the flow of all those shitty TG-16 games. Thanks. Why dont you hope for C64, Sega MAster System, and any of those import games they charge $12 for.