The Ranting/Venting Thread.

LevesqueIsKing said:
Lately it doesn't seem like I've been getting much accomplished.

Go to school. Go to the gym. Eat Dinner. Do my homework. Talk a bit on here.

And then it starts all over again. It feels like I'm I'm just here, but I'm not doing anything, just staying still. Anybody else feel like that? Its depressing...Hopefully Christmas Break will help shake things up a bit.

Yeah, my day's the same EVERY day...

I recommend buying yourself a wii game to play during the break.
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This needed to be bumped.

I hate how disappointing people are in general.
Nobody is completely worth trusting.
Cell Phones (which is another thread right now).

People unable to drive because they're F'ing with a cell phone.

People walking around (with other people!?!?!) holding it up in front of them, starring at what I assume are some inane text messages.

**Couples** sitting in a restaurant, one or BOTH of them screwing around with a cell phone, not saying a WORD to each other.

Unless you're a surgeon on call or have a child at home with a babysitter, PUT THE GD CELL PHONES AWAY. INTERACT WITH THE FLESH AND BLOOD PERSON YOU'RE WITH. JEEZUS F CHRIST!!!!!

Whew! Thanks! I feel betta! :lol:
[DT] said:
People unable to drive because they're F'ing with a cell phone.
There's a pretty good advert on in the UK at the moment regarding using your mobile whilst driving. It's here on YouTube.
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[DT] said:
**Couples** sitting in a restaurant, one or BOTH of them screwing around with a cell phone, not saying a WORD to each other.

Unless you're a surgeon on call or have a child at home with a babysitter, PUT THE GD CELL PHONES AWAY. INTERACT WITH THE FLESH AND BLOOD PERSON YOU'RE WITH. JEEZUS F CHRIST!!!!!
QFT x 45783574853475432932.

If I'm on a date and my date answers their phone, and it's not a matter of life and death, or their boss or something, the date is over.
Lewi T said:
There's a pretty good advert on in the UK at the moment regarding using your mobile whilst driving. It's here on YouTube.

Good link. I saw a study where the imparement level of cell phone usage while driving was nearly the same as +double+ the legal alcohol limit.

I'd say about 85-90% of the extra bad driving we see around town almost always turns out to be cell phone related.

Celeste said:
If I'm on a date and my date answers their phone, and it's not a matter of life and death, or their boss or something, the date is over.

Well all I can say is you're the woman I alway hope those other women will be. I can't believe the level of disrespect that shows your SO/date.

We barely carry ours unless it's specifically for business, and *never* into anything that's just for us. We're hitting up the pub tonight, phones - if we even carry them - will stay IN the car.
I can't fully agree with that. When I'm married, I hope that my wife has the patience for me to recieve a call at a restuarant, and that she knows me well enough to know that that has nothing to do with our relationship.

However, a date is very different. You don't know that person, and doing the exact same action would be completely disrespectful under those circumstances.
1. Torn between pre-ording Apollo Justice and Brawl.
2. I have mandatory tutoring on Monday.
3. I have a craving for chocolate right now but I DON'T GOTS NO MONIES!
4. My dad's Wii scratched up my MP3. It doesn't work anymore.
5. Said father's Wii also scratched up my SMG. I can't start a new file anymore.
Damn I haven't seen this thread in months. Shweet.

My current rant is that my f***ing neighbors are still blaring music at 4:10 am and I'm trying to sleep.

Current rave... can't say I have much to go on, well it was my 2 year with my gf on tuesday so I guess that's the best thing I have going right now.
LevesqueIsKing said:
I can't fully agree with that. When I'm married, I hope that my wife has the patience for me to recieve a call at a restuarant, and that she knows me well enough to know that that has nothing to do with our relationship.

My wife would gladly let me accept a call - the point is: who do you NEED to accept a call from when you're trying to have a little time with your woman?!

The point isn't if your SO will let you, it why WOULD YOU.

Again, unless you're an on-call pediatric surgeon and a bus load of kids shows up in IC, that one hour or so of your life can be CALL FREE.
