What do YOU play online?

Bubbagump said:
well im sick of mmorpg cuz the only thing people try to do in those games or the only thing that people do in those games is "try to gain power" and "try to gain respect because in their life right now they dont have much respect" which is why i played em, all i wanted was some respect and power, because i dont have much right now. But any MMOs that aren't rpg, are different. Anyway i somtimes play maple story, and navy field is a pretty good game. Oh yea i wanted to point somthing out about "Runescape", i used to play it when i was like 8, it was very addicting, so addicting that when my mom told me to take a break from it i wouldn't, and for my friend, his life is ruined, he played it too much, he was very addicted, so addicted that he'd skip school to play, then when his mom couldnt take it anymore, he only could play for 1 hour a day, he played 18 hours a day... so his parents took away the computer, he threatened to kill himself if they didnt give him back his computer, so now he was sent to a boarding school about 3500 miles away, now i only see him 1 time a year. So nintendocam your lucky you didnt get that chance to play it.

:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: I didn't realize it was THAT addicting, I mean I wasted a good sum of my life on that game but I quit eventually. Wow thats kinda scary :eek: :ee5k:
Wiinoob said:
:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: I didn't realize it was THAT addicting, I mean I wasted a good sum of my life on that game but I quit eventually. Wow thats kinda scary :eek: :ee5k:

yea....... i wish i could just remove it from the internet............... or crash its servers.............. that would be the day.............
kiraownsurmom said:
...this kid i no thinks ppl like him but he plays WoW all day,doesnt bath,and recites quotes form it an makes fun of ME cause i got wii...wat a loser
WoW! why does he make fun of you for your wii?
I play Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Battlefield 2 and 2142 errr and some others! lol :thumbsup:
2142 is short for Battlefield 2142.

Also, F.E.A.R. is scary, but not in the Doom "things jump out of doors...oOoOh scary" kind of scary, it's more an a psychotic atmosphere of terror kind of scary.
Loads of fun when playing in a well lit room at 3 PM though...
Gymdawg said:
2142 is short for Battlefield 2142.

Also, F.E.A.R. is scary, but not in the Doom "things jump out of doors...oOoOh scary" kind of scary, it's more an a psychotic atmosphere of terror kind of scary.
Loads of fun when playing in a well lit room at 3 PM though...
yea battle field is awesome i watch my bro play it