Wheres all the older wiichat members

hey, I'm still here..jk I joined after getting my Wii on launch day which was November so I guess I'm kinda old
That's not a while. A while is me who's been here since June
How unfortunate. And i did NOT run off with SL, lachadine did it.

But it is good to be back, my existence died a long time ago lol

How can i change my username?
I feel kind of old here seeing as the active posters are all 14.

I'm 16.

Oh wrong thread. >>
Darkprinny said:
Due to a influx of noobs I was wondering.

Where are all the posters that have been around since the early days ?

You killed them all with your DN!! ANyway im not a n00b am i? I was one of the ppl that joined when the wii luanched, and one of the few that stayed.

Wate HTF bumped this?
Ok ill pm ion.

He hates me anyway, for going to ******...

Lol, im on like about 12 forums now, switching between them when i feel like it.
Hey diomedes I remember you you sent me the scary PM lol you are thew only person with a video in your sig woo for you! Put a rep hungry and power hungry mood cough*TLC*cough
Ive noticed, hey why is that!? (the viddy in the sig)

I didnt mean to scare you, sorry