Wii Europeans free points now

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Several months ago they sent out an email to people about new terms and conditions, and that anyone who did not accept them by a certain date would lose their account and any stars etc. So if you havnt been on the site for months, and didnt get that email. (maybe registered an old unused email, or simply didnt recieve it) then bad luck you may have lost it all :(
Yeah, I agreed to that. My account works now. Turns out your e-mail address is case-sensitive. Who came up with that idea?! Hooray for 8100 Stars! Now I need a Black Wii...
Wow, that is a massive difference in the conversion. I really wasn't expecting anything like that at all. Thanks for the update.
Well I've redeemed 2 cards of 300 points (no higher denominations left, apparently), so now with the 400 I already had that's 1000. I think I'll save them. It looks like you can only buy two cards a day too, so I'm waiting on another 300 points.

Typical Nintendo- nice idea, silly implementation.
there are only 100 point cards left

and you can only buy 2 in a day :(
Free Wii points for buying games that I would have purchased anyway.. .. .. .. and better gifts in the rest of the star catalogue too.. .. .. Finally the UK catches up with the rest of the world!
This is mince. Im registered in the site but when i try to link via the Wii it saying that my email or password. is not valid. Plus the site is mega slooooowwwww
All my Stars run out on December 2007 for me. It's because of that stupid retarded thing you have to accept or die... That's a waste of 8100 Stars considering I don't have a Wii yet.

Minted: Try entering your e-mail address in lower-case. It worked for me.
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What would be better is if each game came with like a 200 or 500 point Wii Card. It would be like the Free 2 Month Xbox Live Trial Cards that came in Xbox Games.

If they did this, people would get games, realize how good they are, and buy more points, or they'd have an excuse to buy another 500 points to get a N64 game.
no1cubehead said:
there are only 100 point cards left

and you can only buy 2 in a day :(

Finally got on it today as well. While it's a 2 a day limit. I purchased a third 100 point card and I'll get the code for that tomorrow. Will be ordering another one now so that I'll have used up all my points expiring this month. I've still got a few VIP cards that haven't been entered and I guess I won't be entering them until I actually use them.

*edit: Turns out it won't let you buy another card when one is still pending.
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