Wii in danger of repeating the Gamecube?

yungblood6 said:
Like i have said too many times before games like my katamari, little big planet, Phsyconauts, fable, Phantasy star, final fantasy, Ninja gaiden, I could keep going, these are games that arent shooters and most don't have blood that are loved by hardcore gamers because they have thought put into them, good developement, great gameplay, new type of gameplay , and nice graphics even the ones that are on an older system. Show me a game other then those made by nintendo themselves that can compare to that. Thats what the wii is missing the whole thing it was trying to do in the first place be innovating.
Trauma Center has all of those things, in fact it probably has more innovation as its a total motion game that couldn't be done on any other console (except DS).

Zack & Wiki would be another, while point and click adventures have been plentiful on PC they have not been on consoles.

MOH: Heroes 2, just another FPS right? Mostly perhaps, but it is innovating in its control schemes. Not only does it have what many rate as the best FPS controls anywhere it also has controls that can be totally customised unlike any console FPS before it.

You complain about people sticking up for the Wii but what do you expect on a Wii forum? Most people dont come here because they hate the Wii, they come because they like it. All you ever do is bash the Wii and proclaim what a hard on you have for the 360, well good for you but just because you dont like Wii dosent mean that other people have to feel the same way. If they are happy and having fun playing Wii then nothing you say will really change that.
raisinghelen said:
You complain about people sticking up for the Wii but what do you expect on a Wii forum? Most people dont come here because they hate the Wii, they come because they like it. All you ever do is bash the Wii and proclaim what a hard on you have for the 360, well good for you but just because you dont like Wii dosent mean that other people have to feel the same way. If they are happy and having fun playing Wii then nothing you say will really change that.

no one here is bashing the wii all he and i are stating are the PROBLEMS with the wii and Nintendo themselves..All of u are so sucked into wat Nintendo is feeding you that u are not seeing it for wat it really is. I wouldnt sit here and bash something that i own, only think of ways that they should make it better...and we are not trying to make u feel the sameway, just opening ur eyes...Nintendo can really make the Wii blow up, but to me they arent taking the right steps.
raisinghelen said:
Trauma Center has all of those things, in fact it probably has more innovation as its a total motion game that couldn't be done on any other console (except DS).

Zack & Wiki would be another, while point and click adventures have been plentiful on PC they have not been on consoles.

MOH: Heroes 2, just another FPS right? Mostly perhaps, but it is innovating in its control schemes. Not only does it have what many rate as the best FPS controls anywhere it also has controls that can be totally customised unlike any console FPS before it.

You complain about people sticking up for the Wii but what do you expect on a Wii forum? Most people dont come here because they hate the Wii, they come because they like it. All you ever do is bash the Wii and proclaim what a hard on you have for the 360, well good for you but just because you dont like Wii dosent mean that other people have to feel the same way. If they are happy and having fun playing Wii then nothing you say will really change that.
Zack and wiki is still just a puzzle game, moh 2 is a developement nightmare other than the controls and is quite possibley one of the top 10 worst looking games on the wii, trauma center last time i checked it didnt get high praise, nor does it get talked about. but ill give you that one because i didnt play it so i cant knock it if i aint played it. Once again i don't know how many times i have to say this i don't dislike the wii i hate the games. i liked what the wii was going to do even befor it was called the wii i had no idea that they were going to release the load of **** that they want to call games for it, half of these games are knock of of internet point and click games that you can play for free any way.

So are you saying you have more fun playing those three games than any thing nintendo brought out? if not then you lost the point, then are you saying you have more fun playing and have stayed interested in those three games more than the games i mentioned which happen to be on the top tier games unlike the ones you have mentiond except for zack?
Bliss said:
no one here is bashing the wii all he and i are stating are the PROBLEMS with the wii and Nintendo themselves..All of u are so sucked into wat Nintendo is feeding you that u are not seeing it for wat it really is. I wouldnt sit here and bash something that i own, only think of ways that they should make it better...and we are not trying to make u feel the sameway, just opening ur eyes...Nintendo can really make the Wii blow up, but to me they arent taking the right steps.
I wasnt referring to you Bliss, our opinions may differ but i can respect your point of view. To be honest what you say there could go both ways and you could take onboard that for some people the Wii is in a better state than you think, just as others can accept that the Wii isnt quite ticking all of your boxes yet.

Some do only seem to come here to bash the Wii though and they do seem totally biased, which is not constructive at all.
raisinghelen said:
I wasnt referring to you Bliss, our opinions may differ but i can respect your point of view. To be honest what you say there could go both ways and you could take onboard that for some people the Wii is in a better state than you think, just as others can accept that the Wii isnt quite ticking all of your boxes yet.

Some do only seem to come here to bash the Wii though and they do seem totally biased, which is not constructive at all.

i respect u also, i respect anyone i talk to, i love to hear people views on things and compare them to mine...thats how u learn...but i think some people just get tired of sayin the samething over and over again and no one is listening, then when that happens ofcourse people are gonna blow up and start saying negative things...i mean if i calmly came out and said my views on the wii and they were negative but im not a "wii hater" then i would be thrown to the dogs (as i have by some people)...a lot of people only want to hear what they want to hear..esp. on this site.
raisinghelen said:
I wasnt referring to you Bliss, our opinions may differ but i can respect your point of view. To be honest what you say there could go both ways and you could take onboard that for some people the Wii is in a better state than you think, just as others can accept that the Wii isnt quite ticking all of your boxes yet.

Some do only seem to come here to bash the Wii though and they do seem totally biased, which is not constructive at all.
How am i biased when i say nintendo is the only ones making innovative games for the wii, how am i biased when no one can even come up with a game done better then nintendo or equal to. you pay for those games you mentiond but yet wii sports is still a better game and it was free. its the real reason everyone bought a wii or was pulled in. Its just sad that you guys keep thinking its a console bash when its been said time and time again its not about the F**king console its about the games. Take away the nintendo games and how many good games do you realy have i bet its not more then 5 if its even 5. Stop taking up for poor developement and poor game making. If these companies would put half the thought that nintendo does into their games in their own we wouldnt be having this conversation. They could systematicly bring every thing back from the game cube and put wii controlls on it and it will be better then the crap thats out now. Im not biased your just blind and won't atmit it. its like i said if you honestly have more fun with those games then you do with the nintendo ones then so be it you are an easy simple person to please. but i don't sit here and let gaming go backwards in developement and innovation just because it sells well, and be like oh just wait brawl will be here.
yungblood6 said:
Zack and wiki is still just a puzzle game, moh 2 is a developement nightmare other than the controls and is quite possibley one of the top 10 worst looking games on the wii, trauma center last time i checked it didnt get high praise, nor does it get talked about. but ill give you that one because i didnt play it so i cant knock it if i aint played it. Once again i don't know how many times i have to say this i don't dislike the wii i hate the games. i liked what the wii was going to do even befor it was called the wii i had no idea that they were going to release the load of **** that they want to call games for it, half of these games are knock of of internet point and click games that you can play for free any way.

So are you saying you have more fun playing those three games than any thing nintendo brought out? if not then you lost the point, then are you saying you have more fun playing and have stayed interested in those three games more than the games i mentioned which happen to be on the top tier games unlike the ones you have mentiond except for zack?
I actually did enjoy Trauma Center a whole lot and played it non stop till i completed it. The only other game i have played with the same amount of intensity was MP3, perhaps Godfather too. SMG i would have but im stretching it out to make it last. Thats not to say i havent enjoyed all the other games i bought but i would take a break from them from time to time.

Maybe im not the type of game buyer that you have a problem with as i dont buy games that dont meet my standards, there are many Wii games that i wouldnt touch with a ten foot bargepole so they wont get my money for lackluster simple efforts. I look for games that offer something different on Wii compared to the other consoles, which is the way to go as if all consoles had identical content then there wouldnt be much point in having them all.

Basically if a game is identical on all platforms then i would advise buying the best version, which would most likely be 360 or PS3 due to improved graphics (for example Marvel Ultimate Heroes).
raisinghelen said:
I actually did enjoy Trauma Center a whole lot and played it non stop till i completed it. The only other game i have played with the same amount of intensity was MP3, perhaps Godfather too. SMG i would have but im stretching it out to make it last. Thats not to say i havent enjoyed all the other games i bought but i would take a break from them from time to time.

Maybe im not the type of game buyer that you have a problem with as i dont buy games that dont meet my standards, there are many Wii games that i wouldnt touch with a ten foot bargepole so they wont get my money for lackluster simple efforts. I look for games that offer something different on Wii compared to the other consoles, which is the way to go as if all consoles had identical content then there wouldnt be much point in having them all.

Basically if a game is identical on all platforms then i would advise buying the best version, which would most likely be 360 or PS3 due to improved graphics (for example Marvel Ultimate Heroes).
I honestly can agree with you here. but some one will go like no its bette on the wii because you can do real life motions ahhhhhh. like be for real Marvel, needfor speed, and spider man are better games on the other systems period.
But its just that they try to justify all the crap that is put out on the wii just because it has motion controlls doesnt make the game good. Mario galaxy i love that game what could have been better make it a little more difficult. I was playing the lego starwars game and was like wow with these controlls they could have made this game better than it what it was on the other two consoles but instead they got lazy and we got what we got.(hopefully force unleashed does the controlls well ) what i cant stand is all these companies pumping these games out like water with out any thought to it and people are buying them then you go into the game store and you see the shelves stocked with the same games traded in. well ok you traded it in but the game company still got its money off of it, so that didnt help any thing there still going to pump it out because there still making money of of nieve people.
yungblood6 said:
How am i biased when i say nintendo is the only ones making innovative games for the wii, how am i biased when no one can even come up with a game done better then nintendo or equal to. you pay for those games you mentiond but yet wii sports is still a better game and it was free. its the real reason everyone bought a wii or was pulled in. Its just sad that you guys keep thinking its a console bash when its been said time and time again its not about the F**king console its about the games. Take away the nintendo games and how many good games do you realy have i bet its not more then 5 if its even 5. Stop taking up for poor developement and poor game making. If these companies would put half the thought that nintendo does into their games in their own we wouldnt be having this conversation. They could systematicly bring every thing back from the game cube and put wii controlls on it and it will be better then the crap thats out now.
I have to agree with the Gamecube statement there, in fact i think it would be great if Nintendo updated some Gamecube games to use the Wiimote instead.

I trade in most games after i complete them unless they are really good but i have never owned what i would call a really terrible game. After Christmas i would say i should have about 7 decent games that are not by Nintendo, although one of those is the Trauma Center sequel. Of course i would like a general higher standard too but for a first year i am happy enough. Next year i expect more of an improvement and if it dosent come then maybe i'll be complaining too but not yet as its still too soon.

I have never read a really positive post by you towards the Wii so thats why i dont see them as being constructive or helpful. I may be wrong about this but you look a lot like a guy who posted a Wii comment vid on youtube that was very biased, if it wasnt you though then i apologise for assuming your bias.
im actually tading in 5 of my wii games they are all 3rd party as well... trauma center, cooking mamma, red steel, splintercell, and the godfather.

i played trauma center one time, coooking mamma one time, and beat redsteel, played splinter cell for a total of 15 minutes. and the godfather wasnt that bad..

thats 5 games that i own that are complete crap... well 4

3rd parties do need to step it up but i dont think wii is going the same route as of right now but a year or two down the line with thats being put out now may do it.
Hopefully 3rd party games increase in quality. I also hope Nintendo allows them to use online support and integrate Mii's into their games. Because I need more than just motion controls to make me want to buy a game on Wii over Xbox. I wish Resident Evil 5 was gonna be on Wii also :/ Look how good RE4 did.

SO what makes nintendo games so much more though out than say no more heros, or some of the other games I've listed before?

You are so hell bent on telling us we are all dupped into believing what nintendo wants us to believe when it was nintendo that actually stepped up and GAVE us what we wanted. I have a PC and I want a console with good games. I'm having fun with the games I own. Thats why I got it. I mean really the only people that listen to too much PR are SONY fans about the cell and xbox 360 fans that believe they have to pay for better online.

I mean maybe you guys wanted that stuff but that doesn't excite me when I have two 8800 GTs in my box. I don't know every thing I would get for the xbox 360 IS coming to my PC.

Sorry guy but I'm not tricked nore am I a follower and I would mute you in quake wars and still get the top 3 XP. I've never needed voice chat and it's a crutch for actually skill. I don't need AIM in my console either and I hate AOL and any thing thats like thing *cough Live cough*. Sure if your new to all that stuff then good for you but I hate all that stuff.

Some one said before the GC had 24 million consoles sold and the Wii will have 17 by April easy. I'm not really concerned with what 3rd parties do right now yet when the Wii does hit 20 million and they still are ignoring it or putting shovel ware on it then I will complain. Yet I'm looking forward to the games you are ignoring and you know what good for you!
T3kNi9e said:
Hopefully 3rd party games increase in quality. I also hope Nintendo allows them to use online support and integrate Mii's into their games. Because I need more than just motion controls to make me want to buy a game on Wii over Xbox. I wish Resident Evil 5 was gonna be on Wii also :/ Look how good RE4 did.

Yeah I feel you man. Hell I got the EA stuff just to see if their servers could handle online. I like the freedom nintendo is giving people also. Things have changed a lot it seems and with freedom comes abuse of it which is why we see so much shovel ware. Yet once the user base gets big enough the stake will raise and thats when you will see quality. Hell the PS2 had the worst graphics yet it had lots of quality games simply because every one bought it.

Another thing developers will realize is parents are buying this system for their kids and they will grow out of the kiddy stuff and casual games and want no more heros type of games. Yet they will not be able to afford an HDtv. Yeah but really just let them hate!

Oh yeah check this out and let me know what you think? Yes it's coming to the Wii! Oboro Muramasa Youtouden - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEKXImWQOmg