Wind Waker

I love the game. I really like taking pictures and making them into dolls. Anybody here actually have the whole collection?
Napalmbrain said:
Nintendo have said that they're not including him in the next game. :)

they wont have tingle, but i saw art of two gay looking guys who might be replacing him:(. and by gay i mean homosexual:sick:
I could never really get into the game, the graphics really dissappointed me so i didnt play it for a year and finally borrowed it from a friend and was not too impressed. Same mechanics and everything, it just could not keep my attention long enough.
The game was good but personally the grapihcs didn't do it for me. That cell shading teqniquie. Bit weird
I always hated tingle he gives me the creeps in Majoras Mask but worse in Windwaker *Ugnh*

But the best is Ocarina of Time ofcours in Human Mode :p thats hard