are the graphics suppose to be good for wii?

the graphics will be really good its gonna be much better than gamecube graphics; if u didnt read the 101 commonlyy asked questions thread made by i0n already, u should read the "search" section up top, type in "frequently" or "commonly" and u will c the title of 101 commonly asked questions
its 480p, the gamecube could put that out, but the wii has more advanced componnents, making for better gfx. it still won't be nearly as good gfx as the 360, the wii60 is a perfect combo... graphics and gameplay
pizzaluvr said:
its 480p, the gamecube could put that out, but the wii has more advanced componnents, making for better gfx. it still won't be nearly as good gfx as the 360, the wii60 is a perfect combo... graphics and gameplay
Also, a lot more game publishers are promising progressive scan and 16:9 in their games because they realize more and more people have HD set-ups.
Its graphics are alot better than xbox come on!! lol I hate when people say that I think it is clear that the graphics are better than xbox. Have you seen the mario game? or just red steel. Also madden a game that they said is still going to be bumped up in the graphics department...
Xbox had like the same graphics as gamecube...
WannaWii said:
Xbox had like the same graphics as gamecube...
Um, sorry, but that's just not true. If you ever played Splinter Cell on GC and then played it on Xbox, you'd see a major difference. I sold my GC to get an Xbox when I played SSX: Tricky on both and on Xbox everything looked quite a bit nicer.

I do agree though that Wii has better graphics than Xbox and thus, it has next gen graphics, unlike what some people are saying. It's just that Wii is at the bottom of this generation when it comes to graphics but sure enough there will be Wii games that look spectacular and Xbox360 and PS3 games that look sub-par.
lol no it didn't, have you seen a picture of burnout 3 for xbox not in hd or even ed



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