Yes crew! ive been looking for people to boost with for ages!
everyone add me and message me back with there friend codes.
My friend code is: 013844993575
Name: Crazy Duck
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add me i level 60 (about) and 4th prestige my fc is:068905691731 myt highest kills in game is 50 and myb average kills each game is at least 20
Hey guys

All right,

I'm gonna add everyone that gave me their FC's.

Also on a side note (to keep in the spirit of people constantly recruiting for clans), I'm apart of T2K now. My in-game name is now T2K|Rivers. Most of our members are over the 1.00 k/d ratio (mine being 1.74 :) ) and we prefer recruits with this k/d but do not require it. I've gotten A LOT better than when I first posted my FC on here. If anyone is interested in this clan just let me know. I'll have no problem getting you in.

But anyways, looking forward to playing with you guys,