Hey everybody add me on codmwr my fc is 151723736001 my user name is ChadzillaDRE send me ur fc in private message to me when u add me

“Kill you on the battlefield!”
:wiimote:my wio CODE IS 0100801721569220 9 dont feel like makeing - stuff cuz im writting this on my wii and its take forever 2 write
Hey guys, add me

Cod 5 friend code- 107565880452
MWR friend code-191561548664

send me a message with your friend code if you add me. Thanks!
I'm kinda new to adding friends on here, not had my Wii too long,
but yeah, add me on Call of Duty ;) My friend code is:


Currently Rank 39 :yesnod:

you can add me fc is in my sig .... check out the clan site if u need one ..
pm me if u add me so i can add u
waaz up ppl plz join my clan dark assasians there is 103 in the clan if u wanna join privite maessage me and if u dont just add me my code for cod mwr is 3247 6724 7391