Fanboy Tests


King K.Rool
Aug 8, 2006
Perth, Australia
Wii Online Code
Well in some peoples sigs ive seen around this forums it has got something like
Nintendo Fanboy - 40
Microsoft - 40
Sony - 20
Conclusion - Sony Hater

Where do people do this test? I want to do the test and see what I am :)
Mine said this...its so true and yes i so hate microsoft!!! though i really don't mind the sony i wonder why it was so low...oh well nintendo is still the best to me
Nintendo Fanboy: 68%
Sony Fanboy: 4%
Microsoft Fanboy: 3%

This means you're: Nintendo FanBoy
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Haha i took one and it says

Nintendo Fanboy: 58%
Sony Fanboy: 11%
Microsoft Fanboy: 4%

This means you're: Somewhat Fanboy
What does it mean?
Well, you like Nintendo the best, but you aren't in love with them. Guess you're really not in love with video games period... or at least you're not obsessed with them. Which may not be a bad thing.

Well I can relate to this. Because I've only owned two consoles in my life SNES and PS2. I missed out on the N64 and PS1 period of gaming. And I switched to Nintendo from Sony because I found that PS3 is just going to be the exact same as PS2, only better graphics. So yeh the test is pretty accurate.
theirs nothing wrong on bieng a microsoft hater lol...not when their a bunch no good sun of a b**** ass freeks ill KILL THEM ALL

did i say that out lound
Nintendo Fanboy: 60%
Sony Fanboy: 35%
Microsoft Fanboy: 10%
This means you're: A Microsoft Hater
What does it mean?
You aren't a fanboy, since you love both Nintendo and Sony. But you really hate Bill Gates and everything he creates. Or at least you don't care about anything he creates.

Oh my god, that is 100% true about me. o.o
Demon Slayer said:
theirs nothing wrong on bieng a microsoft hater lol...not when their a bunch no good sun of a b**** ass freeks ill KILL THEM ALL

did i say that out lound
i know ALOT of people that say that about sony ;)

here are my results:
Nintendo Fanboy: 54%
Sony Fanboy: 22%
Microsoft Fanboy: 40%
This means you're: Not a fanboy
pretty close, just swap nintendo and MS and it perfect
Nintendo Fanboy: 40%
Sony Fanboy: 37%
Microsoft Fanboy: 35%

This means you're: Not a fanboy

Sounds about right. I've never been very fussy about which console a game is on, as long as it's good.
Nintendo Fanboy: 81%
Sony Fanboy: 2%
Microsoft Fanboy: 4%

This means you're: Nintendo FanBoy

What does it mean?

Well you love Nintendo, no matter what. Good for you. You will blindely follow them, even if this next systems might mean make or break for the company.


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