Who here is a Nintendo Fanboy, and is not afraid to admit it?


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars
I am, but not the stereotypical one. You know how most fanboys are ignorant and arnt open minded, yet I am. I own all of last gens consoles, but it's just that my most favorite game company happens to be Nintendo. Plus, I dont go around screaming sony and microsoft suck or anything.
im kinda a MStendo fanboy (lol made a new word MStendo!!) which means i like xbox and Nintendo. dont get me wrong though, i like sony but they are just starting to piss me off with all this "our stuff is a bagillion times better than their stuff" crap. they keep stealing ideas from MS and nintendo and they have NO good first party games. they stole the HDD idea and the dashboard home button idea from MS and they stole the motion sensor idea from nintendo. sony used to be number 1 (PS1 days) but now they are just getting cocky
Mitch2025 said:
im kinda a MStendo fanboy (lol made a new word MStendo!!) which means i like xbox and Nintendo. dont get me wrong though, i like sony but they are just starting to piss me off with all this "our stuff is a bagillion times better than their stuff" crap. they keep stealing ideas from MS and nintendo and they have NO good first party games. they stole the HDD idea and the dashboard home button idea from MS and they stole the motion sensor idea from nintendo. sony used to be number 1 (PS1 days) but now they are just getting cocky
I agree, but MS isnt much better! Theve been copying other companys since they started. The only idea of their own for gamming is xbox live! They really anger me sometimes:mad: (but, i still use alot of their products!)
Not realy
I like all consoles (yes even the game.com)

mmmmm Wooden Atari vcs
Then your not a Nintendroid

wiill wii have most of the pads and the guns

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wii think wii wiill go mentle wiith them and fuse them all into a big gun
Well, I like sony but more nintendo but Im not those fan boys that fight everyday against another company
I am a nintendo fanboy :D, so what, i've been with nintendo all my life from the SNES. i got a ps2 and psp aswell, im not a prick and i dont go to other forums saying PS3 sucks or xbox sucks, oorrrrr, wii pwns, because everyone already knows that. :p
-.- im definetly not a nintendo fanboy. im not going to get the wii definetly not. I want a ps3 but im gong to have to wait on that. and x-box is just dumb because it dosnt have games i like. the main reason i prefer ps3 is because it has more games of what i like... does that mean im a ps3 fanboy. i dont think so it just means there are more games on ps3 that i like -.-
I would classify myself as a gamer not a fanboy of any one brand....but nintendo is at the top of my list because I've always had the most fun on their consoles

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