Favorite Character Design


Super Geek
Jul 16, 2007
Wii Online Code
Yeah we've all discussed our favorite character to death. You play as character x because of reason y and blah blah blah. But which characters do you think look the coolest? Which ones do you look at in their original games and then turn to their Brawl version and go "HOLEESHIT" about? Same goes for stages: perhaps you hate playing on a certain stage, but which one do you like the look of the most?

EDIT: As an example, I HATE playing as Pokemon Trainer simply because I SUCK with him. But he has amazing form. I love the concept and the way it was executed. And all three Pokemon look beautiful. Especially Charizard. Stage-wise, I can't stand...well actually the only stage I don't like is Electroplankton and Final Destination and both of those have boring designs in my opinion. So we'll go with the Melee stage Rainbow Cruise. Beautiful and a cool concept that brings back a lot of memories, but I HATE playing on it.
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i really like the updated Shiek.

and for stages, look-wise, i'm gonna give it to Spear Pillar. love the stage that came out of such a small concept.
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You know what? I'm going to have to agree with you about Spear Pillar. I was thinking simply about stages that I dislike but that's not the question I was really asking and Spear Pillar is truly amazing. It has some great music as well. And yes, Sheik does look super awesome in this game.
My Favorite looking character is Bowser :yesnod: just the way they made him look so powerfull and scary, you wouldnt want to be facing something that looks like that in real life. but the way he sounds is stupid and nothing like the original bowser. the word for him is kool =)

I also like the way Donkey Kong looks. he is big like hes suposed be (same goes with Bowser, they were both to small to be them in Melee) and how his fur (or is it hair?) looks like fur, in melee he looked like this really smooth clay monkey and now his fur is laid on his body like a real gorilla, nice colors too. same goes with the Ice Climers, their coats actuall look fury and all nice too :yesnod:

I know Kirby pretty much looks the same as in any of the old games, but in brawl they gave his shape a little more bounce e ness (<< i do not know how to spell that word) and not so blobby like in Melee. and they way he moves, his animation fits Kirby down to a T. Kirby is more like himself in Brawl then in any other smash brothers game.

Oh and Snake looks awesome! his shape and form and all his gear looks amazing and makes him look just they way he suposed to look, but with his face i noticed he looks more like Big Boss rather then Solid Snake, but i think Snake is suposed to represent all the playable Snake characters thru all the Metal Gear games (Solid Snake and Naked Snake) but ether way his face looks just how it should. so Snake looks amazing and i think i like him more then i do Bowser :yesnod:

Pikachu looks pretty kool, actually looks himself where in melee he looked slugish and cubed. i want to agree with you S.S. on the pokemon trainer and all his pokemon. I think Wario looks so stupid, looks so much better with his original clothes but the way he moves ruins everythin about him and still makes him look stupid (even tho i play him too). i think luigi was done well, he looks and acts like his own self luigi instead of a green mario. Mario looks pretty awesome in brawl :yesnod:

BTW: i play all of these characters, exsept luigi and pikachu. but you can still see me play pikachu on rare occations.

i think im forgeting some but i get the feeling i will be back to this forum. i still havnt talked about favorit stages =)
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I think the best looking character is Marth with the white costume ,) If i had to pick another, than it would definitely be Ike. His power moves look so cool, to bad they're really slow.

This is going to sound retarted but, the classic stage is my fave.(the one next to the one in the top left hand corner) The background looks so cool, like your stuck in the eye of a tornado. Iv'e been pwned many times while distracted by that background.
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Oskar I'm gonna have to disagree with you about Wario. He has always been the more cartoony and strange brother since the first game he starred in. All kinds of wacky stuff happens to him and I think his movement matches that nicely. Especially when wearing the Warioware clothes. When wearing the classic clothes I want to play Wario World on the GC =P
My favorite character design is Sheik because, IMO, it's the biggest deviation from what she looked like originally. I'm also a fan of Samus w/ Varia Suit, it's awesomely detailed.
that is true but i allways love original designs for characters and was disapointed to see warios main color and outfit was different, in brawl and wario ware. and he moves like they way you explain its not that much different he still reminds me of wario, but the way he moves in the old games like the mario parties and Super Mario World 64 DS and any mario sport games he is in, i think thats they way they should have made him move, like the fat guy wobble that he dose instead of this wierd old video game skippin floating thing that he dose in brawl (reminds me more of game and watch instead of wario). idk its just my opinion
Yeah we've all discussed our favorite character to death. You play as character x because of reason y and blah blah blah. But which characters do you think look the coolest? Which ones do you look at in their original games and then turn to their Brawl version and go &quot;HOLEESHIT&quot; about? Same goes for stages: perhaps you hate playing on a certain stage, but which one do you like the look of the most?

EDIT: As an example, I HATE playing as Pokemon Trainer simply because I SUCK with him. But he has amazing form. I love the concept and the way it was executed. And all three Pokemon look beautiful. Especially Charizard. Stage-wise, I can't stand...well actually the only stage I don't like is Electroplankton and Final Destination and both of those have boring designs in my opinion. So we'll go with the Melee stage Rainbow Cruise. Beautiful and a cool concept that brings back a lot of memories, but I HATE playing on it.

Well, for the originals, I like Ganondorf. He's really strong, but hard to control. But, for some, I brawl and dish out KO's on stage at low percents, so maybe that's why I'm used to him. As for a stage... I'd go for Green Hill Zone. 1-It's really awesome to brawl on one of my loved stages. 2-If you camera hack, you can explore the whole stage, which is REALLY huge. :lol: Way bigger than Pork City. :yesnod:
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Yeah we've all discussed our favorite character to death. You play as character x because of reason y and blah blah blah. But which characters do you think look the coolest? Which ones do you look at in their original games and then turn to their Brawl version and go &quot;HOLEESHIT&quot; about? Same goes for stages: perhaps you hate playing on a certain stage, but which one do you like the look of the most?

EDIT: As an example, I HATE playing as Pokemon Trainer simply because I SUCK with him. But he has amazing form. I love the concept and the way it was executed. And all three Pokemon look beautiful. Especially Charizard. Stage-wise, I can't stand...well actually the only stage I don't like is Electroplankton and Final Destination and both of those have boring designs in my opinion. So we'll go with the Melee stage Rainbow Cruise. Beautiful and a cool concept that brings back a lot of memories, but I HATE playing on it.

Well, for the originals, I like Ganondorf. He's really strong, but hard to control. But, for some, I brawl and dish out KO's on stage at low percents, so maybe that's why I'm used to him. As for a stage... I'd go for Green Hill Zone. 1-It's really awesome to brawl on one of my loved stages. 2-If you camera hack, you can explore the whole stage, which is REALLY huge. :lol: Way bigger than Pork City. :yesnod:

Could you make a video of such an exploration? I would love to see but I do not hack!
Yeah we've all discussed our favorite character to death. You play as character x because of reason y and blah blah blah. But which characters do you think look the coolest? Which ones do you look at in their original games and then turn to their Brawl version and go &quot;HOLEESHIT&quot; about? Same goes for stages: perhaps you hate playing on a certain stage, but which one do you like the look of the most?

EDIT: As an example, I HATE playing as Pokemon Trainer simply because I SUCK with him. But he has amazing form. I love the concept and the way it was executed. And all three Pokemon look beautiful. Especially Charizard. Stage-wise, I can't stand...well actually the only stage I don't like is Electroplankton and Final Destination and both of those have boring designs in my opinion. So we'll go with the Melee stage Rainbow Cruise. Beautiful and a cool concept that brings back a lot of memories, but I HATE playing on it.

Well, for the originals, I like Ganondorf. He's really strong, but hard to control. But, for some, I brawl and dish out KO's on stage at low percents, so maybe that's why I'm used to him. As for a stage... I'd go for Green Hill Zone. 1-It's really awesome to brawl on one of my loved stages. 2-If you camera hack, you can explore the whole stage, which is REALLY huge. :lol: Way bigger than Pork City. :yesnod:

Could you make a video of such an exploration? I would love to see but I do not hack!

Sure, i dont have a capture card though, i'll see if there's a youtube video already out there with green hill on there. It's really huge, you can see where silver, knuckles, and tails run through, then you can see, basically everything they'd go to. :lol:
Could you make a video of such an exploration? I would love to see but I do not hack!



Not my video, but hey, youtube's the gift that keeps on giving. [/terribly late christmas pun]

... Uh. I have nothing to contribute to this thread... ... ... Yet! I'll post next week end, no time to post now. >.>;

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