Iwata interviewed about WiiConnect24 and the Virtual Console


Apr 30, 2006
Japanese gaming website Tech-On recently bagged an interview with the Nintendo President himself.

Satoru Iwata goes on to discuss aspects of both the virtual console and ofcourse wiiconnect24.

Here are some snippets from the interview:

"Let's say your Wii is connected to the Internet in a mode that allows activation on a 24-hour basis"
"This would allow Nintendo to send monthly promotional demos for the DS, during the night, to the Wii consoles in each household. Users would wake up each morning, find the LED lamp on their Wii flashing, and know that Nintendo has sent them something. They would then be able to download the promotional demo from their Wii's to their Nintendo DS's."
"This will, of course, be possible in gaming stores too, but I think users will enjoy being able to do this within their homes. The key merit here is having promotional material delivered to your home, instead of having to go collect it yourself."
Here's the full article:
Yeah, I saw that in the link from the other thread. So basically the Wii will act like a download kiosk in your home. Great idea!
These are good ideas that Nintendo have made. Hopefully this will all happen, it would be nice to download the demo of the games to my Nintendo DS. Also, here is the link where I saw that article...Basically says the same thing.
Vaporware is death amongst fans so companies have gotten more careful about saying stuff at trade shows that's not going to happen. I would guess these things are a given at this point.
MasterLink said:
These are good ideas that Nintendo have made. Hopefully this will all happen, it would be nice to download the demo of the games to my Nintendo DS. Also, here is the link where I saw that article...Basically says the same thing.

youve posted that link in 2 differant threads and both times it went to the site but the actual section want avaliable, is it me or an incorrent link
im_a_super_smash_bro said:
Do you think that the Wii connect 24 will be accessable in New Zealand?

I'm pretty sure it'll be accessible anywhere there's a wireless internet connection.
Wii Connect24 will be awesome for ssbb because you could download new characters or stages. So if were not satisfied with the characters that are already in the game they can send us a new character every now and then.
Good thinking Nintendo.
Yea, but their not sure that their going to do that with ssbb, because then what was the point of bringing in those 5 new characters now, and not just put them on the download. To me, to many things can happen with that, most of which are bad. If it turns out, great more power to nintendo, but they should be careful, because not all households are built up against viruses as nintendo is. [Good ideas though]
true and thanx. Developers would probaly play with this and start releasing only half of the games then u would have to download the other half later.

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