Meat is murder...tasty, tasty murder

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redneck E

redneck E
May 8, 2009
Dexter, Michigan
Wii Online Code
Now that summer is on the way a lot of us are going to hit the patio for a little BBQ. When you grill what is everyone's specialty? My favorite is some ribs and I also make a mean beer can chicken.
Interesting thread title, never thought of it that way. :lol:

Usually I just enjoy burgers (medium-well mind you), hot dogs, and a good steak now and then.
^Agreed. Grubs have to be alive and wriggling in order to eat them.

My favorite thing to have on the grill is just a hamburger or hot dog, with the occasional steak or chicken.
Barbecues are boss. Any meat goes really. However, here's a question, how many of you actually use a real barbecue?
hahaha! Nice Skippy.

I like any kind of traditional meats. Nothing crazy like goat or deer or something. The average pork or beef. I just started cooking on the grill last year so I'm still experimenting what I like to make.

boy do I have a nasty burn scar from the grill xD
Barbecues are boss. Any meat goes really. However, here's a question, how many of you actually use a real barbecue?
charcoal, here.
we have a gas grill, but it's not the same. charcoal is worth the extra effort.
we smoke a lot of meat:
red meat: walnut wood or sometimes apple wood.
white meat: apple wood or cherry wood

if you don't like your grub cooked outdoors then you haven't been served well.
Good girl gidge. Gas ones usually look the ****, but are just **** in comparison. Might as well just cook it in the kitchen! Charcoal is certainly the way to go, kids.
charcoal & gas. we'll be buildinh a smoker soon.

i prefer baby deer or baby cows.
charcoal & gas. we'll be buildinh a smoker soon.

i prefer baby deer or baby cows.
simple smoker:

let your charcoal ash-over, spread out the charcoals, add green wood (not green in color :p, but recently cut wood) on top of the charcoals, add meat, then cover.

if you don't cover the bar-b the wood will light-up... if you cook with the lid on, it'll smoke.

if the wood light's up when you flip your meat, then just recover and the wood will quickly smoke again.

-- lewi approve?
BBQ ribs or just plain hotdogs on a propane grill. add in soda or beer(your choice) plus chips and BOOM!

perfect summer lunch
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