Nintendo DS Vs. Sony PSP:


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars

Introduction: So, have you been wondering which gaming portable is better over the other? Well I happen to own both the PSP and DS and here is my opinion on which is better, so lets get ready to rumble!

Gameplay: The PSP has pretty much standard gameplay with it's way of play, it's very similar to the PS2 controller. Now the DS is something new, now at first many were skeptical with this new touch screen, but it has prooved to work and put out a lot of fun!

Winner:The Nintendo DS

Graphics: Of course this is an easy battler, the PSP is obviously much more superior in graphics, but of course the DS's graphics are good aswell, just not nearly as good.

Winner: Sony PSP

Games: This is what the PSP majorly lacks in, GAMES, it may have the ultra super graphics, but there are hardly any good games for it at all. Maybe GTAL:Liberty City Stories is a good buy for the average consumer, even though in my opinion GTA is crappy, yet everyone else seems to like it. Now the DS has a great line up of great games like Castlevania, Kirby Canvas Course, Yoshi touch & Go, Super Mario 64:DS, Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, New Super Mario Bros, Animal Crossing, Tetris, Sonic Rush, Nintendogs, and a lot more great hits coming!

Winner: The Nintendo DS and by a long shot!

Batterly Life: Must we talk about the PSP's battery? Well fine then, it runs out like in 5 hours, and everything you do pretty much drains the battery faster down. >_> The DS has a much stronger battery life, so more battery life, more game play! :)

Winner: The Nintendo DS

Extra Media: the DS has pictochat and online via WIFI, but the PSP obviously wins this category, you see you can download pictures, videos, music, and other programs or whatsoever onto your PSP.

Winner: Sony PSP

Damage Resistance: Of course another loss for the PSP here, I have heard and seen people complain about their PSP breaking from a simple 2 foot drop and many many other damage problems, the DS isnt perfect of course on this, but it has much more higher quality then the PSP.

Winner: Nintendo DS

My Overall Final Conclusion:

Overall the PSP focuses too much on all that crap we really dont need to have fun gaming, I mean all I ever use my PSP for is it was a waste of money for me. I am having a huge amount of fun with my DS, I play it everyday, and I simply cant get enough! Now here is my final saying: If you're a gamer like myself, you want the portable that has the good games, right? Well if so go right ahead into your gamestop and get a fresh DS lite! But if you are craving for a media center, then go grab a 200 dollar PSP.


The DS focuses on what we gamers want to do with a portable handheld gaming system, PLAY GAMES! And it has by far done a great job with a great library of grade-A games! Yet I find it sad how kids at my skool say the DS is gay...just because they think Playstation is the best...well sadly for them the DS is the best selling gaming device in the world! :cool:

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Great review!:) I totally agree that the Nintendo DS is far superior than the psp in games and fun. It was a total waste to flush down 249.99(plus tax) on the lame psp. I use my psp as music player aswell, but that's not the reason i bought it. The reason was to play great quality games (hence the name portable gaming sytem). The DS fills the black hole that the psp dug with fun innovative titles to play.
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Yeah and it saddens me to see that people that love the PSP but never played the DS say things like the DS sucks, I mean you got to have em both to have a real opinion on it really.
Yeah, I know people like that. Some people actually refuse to so much as touch any Nintendo system because of their lack of realistic graphics (I think the question of them ever trying the games answers itself).

However, the PSP does have one sub-area you may not have known about. Pertaining to battery life, you can get an add-on that can make it run off of AAA batteries, if you run low you can just pop in a fresh set and be ready to go (unlike the DS where you have to get to the charger).

DS still wins, though
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registerednerd said:
Yeah, I know people like that. Some people actually refuse to so much as touch any Nintendo system because of their lack of realistic graphics (I think the question of them ever trying the games answers itself).

However, the PSP does have one sub-area you may not have known about. Pertaining to battery life, you can get an add-on that can make it run off of AAA batteries, if you run low you can just pop in a fresh set and be ready to go (unlike the DS where you have to get to the charger).

DS still wins, though
Really now? Huh! I didnt know that! But yeah either way the DS still beats it.
Yeah, I can't seem to find a good link online (I've only seen them IRL).

Even though I'm not a big fan of Sony (outside of the video camera world), I thought I should throw that out there just to be fair.
The psp is a good console its just the game companys that spoil it with
ps2 game only slightly craper grahpics 2006
PSone game but sod it it will sell 2006
EA sports game 2007
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Lachadine said:
i think that was basicaly how the wii will be against the ps3! minus the extra handheld complications.
I myself see the similarity between the DS vs. PSP, and Wii vs. PS3! I mean I would go over it right now, but I am quite tired!
ds psp only thing they got in comon is that they are both protables
Just want to say a couple things about both system's damage resistance. I have both a PSP and the original DS.... however ... my psp is broken. I dropped my psp onto my foot pedal from about a 4 foot drop. Now the LCD screen has a long crack right down the middle and it will cost me around 30-40 dollars to fix it. My DS is perfect but i haven't done much to put it in a damaged state. The ONLY thing i disagree with in this thread is that you say the DS is more damage resistant ... which is true, BUT not for the DS LITE. DS Lites are less sturdy than the original and people have begin complaining that they CRACK when you close/open them, which is why im a little concerned about switching over to the lite. Sure it looks and feels MUCH better but i don't want it to crack and snap in half when i barely open it. Nintendo has noticed this problem and refuses to fix it, they want customers with cracked ds lites to send the ds and $50 to fix it. Just thought i should say that before anyone considers going to buy a ds lite. Remember, its always smart to find info on the product you are buying before you actually buy it.

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