Nintendo DS Vs. Sony PSP:

I agree with everyone in this thread. You really need to ask your self this question before you buy either one. Do you want a big Video.MP3 player or do you want to play good games off-line and On-line..The PSP has only a couple of ONLINE games as the DS has many. P.S. did the PSP ever support one game sharing..? One game and multiple players downloading the game to play with out the game in system>??? :crazy:

Look at these shots...!






Hope you like these...?!
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Pretty nice, the best looking one is the link pic at the end, as good as the cube! Lol.
Homicidal_Gamer said:
Batterly Life: Must we talk about the PSP's battery? Well fine then, it runs out like in 5 hours, and everything you do pretty much drains the battery faster down. >_> The DS has a much stronger battery life, so more battery life, more game play! :)

Winner: The Nintendo DS

There you have it... the most important factor in a PORTABLE, HANDHELD console... i really wonder why we place so much emphasis on the others...
Think_Tank said:
There you have it... the most important factor in a PORTABLE, HANDHELD console... i really wonder why we place so much emphasis on the others...
Not THE most important, if the PSP lasted forever I still wouldn't get it compared to the DS, you know? ;)
Think_Tank said:
There you have it... the most important factor in a PORTABLE, HANDHELD console... i really wonder why we place so much emphasis on the others...
well it was bound to be like this, the PSP has to spin the crappy UMD's. Ironic how I liked the DS but got the PSP, now I'm regretting it. DS is so cool.
registerednerd said:
^^^Oh good, I thought I was the only one. I have a small crack on the hinge, but it seems to only be a cosmetic broblem, and it's so small that you about have to be looking for it. Otherwise: YouTube - DS Lite LCD Stress Test (it passed!)

Yeah, mine has a little crack in the corner that seemed to "magically" appear. Also the DS lite has a little space between the thing itself and that transparent covering, if you know what i mean? Dirt allllllllllllllllways gets in there and it sucks.
NeMeZyZ said:
i used my emulator on the ds (through gamboy cartridge) i can even watch movies through there too (with a 2 giga cartridge) and then when i'm done watching movies and listening to music ON THE DS, i simple reset and play FUN GREAT GAMES, not boring ones, so yea. plsu the batt last WAYYY longer...:)

Howdahell did you do all that? tell more!!!!
Howdahell did you do all that? tell more!!!!

Look on, my friend. They have a special kit that's deffinately in stock right now for like...I think around 20 bucks. It's a full on media kit for the DS.
That's seals the deal, DS (Lite) is way better than any other handheld system to date. It wins hands down.

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