Nintendo DS Vs. Sony PSP:

It is as though the nex-gen console war is with these very hand-held systems concepts:

One's a multi-media player with great graphics. Only about 1/5 of it is actually a portable GAME player(and I'm not saying that going on the Internet with it isn't cool, its just not something many gamers really wanna do).

One's a GAMING system with decent graphics and a whole new twist to gaming(wii-mote sensor, touch screen and microphone).

Then there's Xbox over in the corner screaming "GO HALO WOOT" :lol:
I dunno about all u psp haters but i dont think its that bad. PSP is a very good multimedia device as u can watch movies, music etc. Its hard for me to say though as in Japan, the top10 games have like 8 DS Games and like 0 PSP Games. In Australia i dont think that many people have DS in comparison to PSP, i think there has been to much of an image to people saying that nintendo is very "kiddish" i mean u ask lots of people, why dont u buy a wii, gamecube, DS? and they dont no a single thing about it and say straight away that they only have kiddish games. Well, Wii will show them who is kiddish.......
i think the psp would have been more popular if it came out the same time, or even after, the ps2 was released. but i still go with ds just because its the only touch screen console out atm
Oh my god I post one topic on the Wii in this forum I go to and there're so many freakin' Sony lovers. o_O Sony is retarded.

LMFAO @ this.

Them: "i dont like nintendo.... SONY ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know this is random but I HATE Nintendo DS!!! DS = Damn Stupid."

Me: "yep... the ds is so stupid, that's why its sold more than psp. ;)"


The DS rocks. <3
twilight_princess said:
Them: "i dont like nintendo.... SONY ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know this is random but I HATE Nintendo DS!!! DS = Damn Stupid."

Show me one PSP fan that has said this at this forum (or any forum for that matter) and i'll give you a cookie. You're generalizing Sony fans and their arguments which is EXTREMELY hypocritical because most Nintendo fanboys say the same thing. Now don't get me wrong, I am by no means a "Sony Lover", but it just amazes at how right you think you are and wrong you think everybody that supports the PSP is. It's all a matter of perspective I guess.
She nvr said that Nintendo fanboys don't do it, she was just giving us an opinion of a Sony fanboy which happens to be consistent w/ many of them. Listen, if u went to 5 Nintendo forums and 5 Sony forums guess which one would be more biased?...ya, the Sony ones. Listen, I know u r trying to protect Sony fanboys, which is okay, but u shouldn't do it just to make an argument.

I myself have a PS2 and have more games for the PS2 than my GC, and I admit that it is better. Some games r from my cousins and stuff who gave me **** like Spongebob, Gran Tourismo 3(which sucks mega time!!!)and this one game w/ an insect on it...but that's besides the point, the point is that the only games I like on PS2 r the Ratchet & Clank series and some others.

But in the handheld console world, Nintendo will always be #1 no matter wut, and the DS kills the PSP for sure. The PSP is an example of wut Sony really does, they don't give u anything that u'll remeber for the rest of ur life, they just try to deck there machine out w/ the latest tech(which doesn't make it any better)but, in my opinion, I think they do think that makes it better. They don't understand that u have to put heart into making video game consoles and video games, they're not just cold-hearted machines that r supposed to look nice and be $700.

Whew, glad I got that off my chest:drool:
I like them both but i like the DS a bit better than the PSP because you get to play with people from around the world but the down side to this is the DS has Ps1 graphics
psp is boring, thats why i don't use mine, not even for emulators, i used my emulator on the ds (through gamboy cartridge) i can even watch movies through there too (with a 2 giga cartridge) and then when i'm done watching movies and listening to music ON THE DS, i simple reset and play FUN GREAT GAMES, not boring ones, so yea. plsu the batt last WAYYY longer...:)
That's wut I heard, about the battery thing I mean.

wolf231 said:
I like them both but i like the DS a bit better than the PSP because you get to play with people from around the world but the down side to this is the DS has Ps1 graphics
Hell no, they're better than that:tard: Wait, r u talking about the DS or the DSL(DS Lite) Of course it varies w/ the games, when Custom Robo and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl come out, it will show the true graphic amazingness of the DS Lite and out!
i love everything ds but it seems as if i they dont seem to strong to me, me and a freinds original ds have both had the tops screens destroyed, and he keeps really good track of his things, also within a week after i got my dslite i dropped it into grass and the screen cracked(got it replaced) and i do know a couple guys with psps and they hardly have any trouble with them
ssbb_lover, i was talking about Metroid Prime Hunters the videos are good but the graphics are pretty bad.

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