Nintendo DS Vs. Sony PSP:

...then say the dog barfed up a DS:p

Btw, I just killed u in Star Fox Command wolf:lol: U put up a good fight...of course it was u and ur 2 team mates against ONLY me...but hey, I nvr said it was a fair fight.
wolf231 said:
Awww... why couldn't you let wolf win. :)
I did...4 times:p I finally used Slippy instead of Fox and it worked amazingly:tard: (Slippy has more bombs than fox) The controls r a little hard to get used to, because u have to use the stylus (the pen thing) for the whole game except for shooting. It's really fun, especially the Wi-fi battles. Intergalactic much more can u ask for?
I love him, they make him not good enough. He should be able to destroy Fox's whole team on his own...maybe it's his teammates.
Even when i think about it are the DS's graphics really that bad anyway? I thought for a handheld they were great. MPH is one of the best looking games I have seen for that console and the DS performs better than a Nintendo64, and for a handheld i think thats pretty impressive. Just look at the size and weight of the thing, its tiny and uses so little power, and it doesnt end there, it has TWO screens, not just one, and produces detailed displays for both.

It doesn't have texture filtering resulting in some pixellation, so what? who cares? alot of the time you dont even notice it until you try and look for it. I think for a handheld the graphics are amazing. You can compare it all you like to the PSP but they are very different consoles with different ways of playing. Personally I love the DS. The PSP is a good idea but its just impractical and way too fragile to be of any long term/long distance use (speaking of long distance I recently assembled and prepared my DS travelling kit, its jacked up and good to go for whenever I go away for a long time :D ).
Ezekiel86 said:
Even when i think about it are the DS's graphics really that bad anyway? I thought for a handheld they were great. MPH is one of the best looking games I have seen for that console and the DS performs better than a Nintendo64, and for a handheld i think thats pretty impressive. Just look at the size and weight of the thing, its tiny and uses so little power, and it doesnt end there, it has TWO screens, not just one, and produces detailed displays for both.
I know! I was going to make a thread on this, ppl always say, "The DS has no graphic power wutsoever, it sucks." But guess wut u noobs, it varies from game to game! Take a look at these screenshots, both from the DS:

Lost Magic. Not bad, but not beautiful.

Star Fox Command. Much better isn't it?

It's got exceptional graphics, on certain games there as good as the cube in my opinion, and certainly better than any of the 1st gen game consoles (Ps1, N64 etc.).

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