Should I sell my DS for a PSP?

Axtlar said:
He just made a point: if you want a videogame portable machine, then get the DS, if you want a.....tiny complex thing-like computer, then get the PSP
I think Axtlar said it best, if you want to play great games, get a DS, if you want basically a handheld computer with "FOS" (Firmware Operating System, kind of a joke since the PSP's OS is called firmware because it's saved on firmware), meaning you want to do computer like stuff without a K/B, like videos, internet, homebrew (if hacked to 1.5 firmware), view/take pictures (using the PSP cam), access a PS3, and/or stream A/V signals from your cable/sat box, DVD player, VCR (I thik they are compatible, if you can find a compatible remote) or almost any other video source using composite connection (locationfree), then get the PSP

Don't call me a SONY fanboy when I say this, as a matter of fact, with all the problems I had with SONY products, I greatly dislike SONY products, but back during the PSP/DS war, I went with the PSP, basically because of all the other things it could do besides games, and at the time, thought there were good games on it, or that they would come out with good games, but I liked the fact I could watch videos and look at pictures on the PSP, I use it for a while (a couple years), then lost interest, became more of a testing handheld and mobile downloader for small files, I really didn't play any games on it, then I got the Wii, after I got the Wii, there were games I was hoping would come to the VC on the Wii, but due to RARE being bought by Microsoft, that might not happen, then I heard that those games (some of them) were on the DS, back when I got the PSP, I looked at the DS as a little kids toy, but because of all the games out for it, I had to get it, and I happen to use it more than my PSP (I usually have to keep it plugged in when I play for how much I play it)

So I would say keep the DS, or sell it for a lite (selling it for a lite will be better I think, much thinner and it looks nicer, it dosen't look like you are holding a silver brick cut in half and attached with a hinge), if you can get both the lite and the PSP, I would say go with that, that way you can use the PSP for video, pictures, and interent, and use the DS for games
don't sell our DS... i know many ppl who has both and they hardly play their PSP after they got a DS
i owned a psp but it got stolen :cry: then i got a DS and i am :)... you see it depends on what games you like... tell us what games u like and I'll tell u if you should get a psp
Sell your DS for a PSP! Only if you...

Hate innovation
Are scared and confused by having two screens
Like the idea of owning a handheld whose library is mainly PS1 games
Believe touch screens to be evil/unlucky
Are mentally challenged
Aren't aware there are games other than FPS's in existence
Think the presence of gore is a must for any good game
Don't believe in in-house development
Enjoy sex with young boys
Yellow_Wii said:
do it

ds games are crap
What are you talking about? Name one game for the PSP that is good, just one

I bet that the one game you say, either you don't really like it and just looked for a random PSP gane to support, that you like some of the worst games, or that the game happens to be good but isn't widely known

I have a PSP myself, and I am still looking for a good game for it, the games i have for it now are

*WipEout Pure (the only good purpose for it was for a homebrew web browser, the game sucked, the game wouldn't even be worth it even if it were a cent)
*Socom US Navy Seals (I got this game for an online shooting game, it just sits on my shelf collecting dust, I don't even play it, and it was the only game I was really after for the PSP)
GTA (both "stories" games)(ok, you got me, both are good, but still, it's not the best game, I barely even play missions)

I tried out the Loco Roco demo, I think it is the best game for the PSP, think of what type of game it is, and it's the BEST game for the PSP? Hmm...

as for the DS, well, what attracted me to the PSP was just that, the PSP, not a certain game, not a type of gameplay, just what the system could do, mostly for the media standpoint, not even for games, what attracted me to the DS was the games, not the DS itself, as a matter of fact, system wise, the PSP is better, but game wise? DS all the way, right now all I have are 2 games for the DS

*Super Mario 64 DS (compared to the N64 version of the game, it's twice as much better, there is more to do, more to try and 30 more stars to look for, just a wonderful game all around and always a new surprise around the corner if you played the N64 version)
*Diddy Kong Racing DS (also a good game, there are noticable changes from the N64 version, some levels easier, some levels harder, but still fun to play)

As I type this, I am being shipped the R4, which is basically a DS cart with a miniSD card slot to play ROMS and other files, anything from games to TXT files, and while the PSP is compatible with a lot of file types, but not TXT
Okay, unlike all, or most people in this thread, i'm going to try and be unbiased...

For having a fun time, you should get the DS. It has all these great titles out. The DS is also less bulkier than the PSP and smaller, so it fits in places better than the PSP. The touch screen and built in mic helps to give you a more interactive atmosphere with you and the game..

But the MIC feature...That alone is just AMAZING!

STOP! I never said you couldn't have a fun time with the PSP. The PSP is what I use for my sports games, (NBA Live, NBA 07 are my only titles). My cousin has a shooter for the PSP, and the gameplay wasn't that great. However, the PSP is a lot better when it comes to multimedia purposes. If you want a great multimedia experience, you'll need to buy:

- a 1GB memory card
- a USB cable

You can probably buy this for like $70-$80...Or you can get it bundled with the PSP for like $250
The Plague said:
Okay, unlike all, or most people in this thread, i'm going to try and be unbiased...

For having a fun time, you should get the DS. It has all these great titles out. The DS is also less bulkier than the PSP and smaller, so it fits in places better than the PSP. The touch screen and built in mic helps to give you a more interactive atmosphere with you and the game..

But the MIC feature...That alone is just AMAZING!

STOP! I never said you couldn't have a fun time with the PSP. The PSP is what I use for my sports games, (NBA Live, NBA 07 are my only titles). My cousin has a shooter for the PSP, and the gameplay wasn't that great. However, the PSP is a lot better when it comes to multimedia purposes. If you want a great multimedia experience, you'll need to buy:

- a 1GB memory card
- a USB cable

You can probably buy this for like $70-$80...Or you can get it bundled with the PSP for like $250

unfortunately aside from graphics being better on the PSP, basically the DS can do everything the PSP can.
I have both psp and ds, I will admit that i regret buying the psp.
Yellow_Wii said:
do it

ds games are crap

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Lol Didn't notice this thread was still carrying on. Btw I bought a DS lite but it broke so I sent it back and they are sending me a replacement :D Btw IMO means In my opinion and IMHO means In my honest opinion.

Btw just had a name change lol.
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