Should I sell my DS for a PSP?


Dec 9, 2006
Wii Online Code
Well, recently Ive been quite bored with my DS and I saw a PSP and thought it might bring me more enjoyment. For my ds (silver) I have - Super mario 64, Nintendogs Labrador, Mariokart ds and resident evil. I could proberly get around maybe £100 for them all; off ebay.

But what I want to know, is it worth getting a PSP, any good games on it? What are the good functions which stand out on the PSP? Thanks. :)
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don't do it! considering you barely have any of the good games for the ds i would sugest:
sonic rush
mario kart
new super mario bros
animal crossing
yoshi island
metroid prime
advance wars

and if you like wario
wario master of disguise coming

diddy kong racing

upcoming games
its a real rpg year
theres 2 ff titles coming out
dragon quest
and mny more
if you did this i would have to laugh at you!
if anything you should traid in your old ds for a ds lite
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yeah dude don't be stupid..the PSP doesn't even have any games...ok it does, but they're bad
dont do it man...the psp has a crappy game selection and the ds is coming out with some really good games soon
DO IT!!! ive just ordered my psp

look the ds has crappy games like nintendogs and the psp has online browsing, picture viewing, videos/films, great games, mp3 music player and a camera that fits in the usb port

you can hook up better storage cards too

seriously sell your ds but a psp
He just made a point: if you want a videogame portable machine, then get the DS, if you want a.....tiny complex thing-like computer, then get the PSP
Yellow_Wii said:
DO IT!!! ive just ordered my psp

look the ds has crappy games like nintendogs and the psp has online browsing, picture viewing, videos/films, great games, mp3 music player and a camera that fits in the usb port

you can hook up better storage cards too

seriously sell your ds but a psp
HA you say one game on the ds is crappy, it's true it is, but every single game on the psp sucks!
Wii_Fan said:
Well, recently Ive been quite bored with my DS and I saw a PSP and thought it might bring me more enjoyment. For my ds (silver) I have - Super mario 64, Nintendogs Labrador, Mariokart ds and resident evil. I could proberly get around maybe £100 for them all; off ebay.

But what I want to know, is it worth getting a PSP, any good games on it? What are the good functions which stand out on the PSP? Thanks. :)
Sure, go for it. If you want to be the proud owner of the biggest piece of gaming **** on the market right now, that is.
Hotspur Warrior said:
Sure, go for it. If you want to be the proud owner of the biggest piece of gaming **** on the market right now, that is.
It does suck for gaming but if you want a media centre that plays "ok" *cough*
go for it, imo don't do it!
i have a psp and i think its great....but the decision is up to you so do what you want, and dont put down the psp just cuz you hate sony, you people probably have never even played it or used any of its functions, different people like different things :D
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i personally have a psp and a ds, im my opinion the ds is much more fun to play than the psp and i enjoy the games a lot more. the psp graphics r amazing and everything but the web browser isn't that great its not that fast and can be a hastle to deal w/ but if u want a multimedia machine go for the psp. right now i havn't played psp in 8 months but only use it as a mp3 player everday and watch family guy season 2 on the bus every now and then... it just really depends what ur looking for, ooh and by the way the only good game online for the psp is socom if u like that series

good games: MK:DS, New SMB, M64, Metroid, Resi evil, Animal Crossing and many more


good games: .......


give me a sec......

nevermind lol

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