The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

Played one game with E7 members today.
I got myself 400 Proficiency-Varghen EXP, a nice elim.streak and a nice dom.streak on Marine15.
Only to see it all go for naught with a Wii Freeze.

As to E7 members who are not on my Alts friend list:
If you feel like playing with me regularly instead of irregularly with my E7 alt, add my latest alt (currently named Teardrop>)
Pm me if you do. Cause i'm on that alt most of the time(4/5) as of late. So as to get all 5 spots to 56.
Or if you just feel like running into me, i'm mostly farming my way to lvl 45 on GE mode.
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I hate rage quitters. 17-3 with a sigmus 9 and he quits. I'm so pi**ed off :mad:

14-6. Host quits again.FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
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Wow Kristian! U mad bro??? Some things to consider... LOL
Saw my first member of the new EV Clan. Was worried for a bit since they were 56 with a companion with an inappropriate name.
Map is archives, I felt gutsy with my Anova DP3, ACOG, and Wolfe.
Starting on the MI6 side, I rushed to in front of the stairs, blasting the first person I found with a clip. Fortunately it was the second 56 mentioned, realizing the EV member went through the right path, full of crates.
Rushing to the other end of that path, right around the corner I find him!
Right next to his masterton blasts, I somehow manage to kill him before he kills me.
Shocked at how my Anova out gunned him, I sprint around killing the other two lower levels.
After a while, the other 56 starts using the Masterton as well!
Tempted to rebound with my own Masterton loadout, I decide to see how well my Anova fairs.
After what seemed to be 23-12, the EV member RQ'd.
Alone with two other members, the 56 continued to use the Masty.
Around the 30 mark, a 46 joins his team, but meets his match from my Anova.
Soon enough, the lone 56 quits as well.
Bunched with low levels, it's safe to say, his reputation, was archived.
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I can't take it anymore.Happily playing GE with a good score when someone leaves and a 56 joins.He then begins to proxy ton spam you constantly until the ther team win and you endUp with a rubbish score.
Yesterday i got myself in a game with a hacker named '.
The dude had unlocked infinite grenades, all mines, infinite ammo, extra movement speed
(thankfully no extra exp)
I got him to host quit after 1 round. I think i went 78-6.
I love it when i beat people like that at their own game.

Hackers like that are as nothing to some others though.
I ran into a dude who played normal whenever he got a good score.
But whenever he did badly (which was just about always he went up against me) he would rage after a few minutes
and began the all-map-meele-death-all-players hack
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Yoshi, is your other account 56-Yoshi B)?

Just played in a hacked game where all the guns were fitted with every possible attachment. That was fun. :D
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I'm so not used to heroes.
And i dislike that so litttle of the maps is used, unlike in Goldeneye mode.
But i do like the challenge of learning he ins- and outs of a new mode.
So you'll be seeing me in heroes more often from now.

Lol, today i got in a game 6 lvl 56 randoms.
Only me and another sucker were lowlvl.
Had fun with the challenge of it though.

Ran into 56-KevX.
Quit 5 seconds before end , probably because his score his K/D was too low....
Was kinda dissapointed to see that happen.
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Yeah, I think it's cheap when a 56 quits (non host) right before the match ends because, obviously, they feel they underperformed and/or didn't win. Just shows how little faith you can put into someone's stats nowadays.
Agree Tampa. The only stats that count are kills and streaks. They are the things you need to work for. and rage quitting can't protect them.

GGs to Koopa today, we won most of our games which was awesome because we needed to fave a level 56 almost every game lol. Low level alts FTW :)
Being a level 56 is meaningless nowadayz....there are so many out there that are lvl 56 with the skill of a lvl 16, it is dumb. Only 1/5 56's have the skills to support their level.