The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

SE is essentially a more streamlined and prettier Noctis. I do miss the immersive ship-based travel though.

Replaying DS2, mostly to do all the dlc expansions before the big update in the coming months.
I bought Tomogachi Life the other day. Currently addicted. Fiskland currently has 27 residents and is constantly growing -- any shipping potential in those apartments grows with the number of opposite gender miis, which obviously contributes to the addiction.
Fire Emblem 6. Ya know why.

Trying to keep as many people I [strike]can[/strike] could alive.
Ch 16 just ruined everything. I'm done for now.

"Everyone... I'm sorry..."
I am slowly getting back on level with other DS2 players. The notBuster Sword is slow and leaves me open, but intentionally missing its dash attack seems to fool people into attacking me from the back, upon where I can easily combo my miss into an overhead slash behind me. Most people die in about 3 hits, so it's a feasible method.

About to finish up the 4th dungeon in PQ. Why oh why must the game be so broken?
Spent the better part of today trying to get kotor running in widescreen. It's widescreen now, but the ui disappeared. Kinda important for a pause-and-play game. Can only seem to get the ui with non-widescreen resolutions. And it's just been going back and forth with one or the other. Most "solutions" are ancient and no longer apply or never did and are ridiculously convoluted.
Played a few Wii games yesterday
They are on my Youtube channel


Playing Peace Walker on pc. I don't know why I've never tried this before. Pretty amazing. It looks about the same as the HD remaster too, with additional perks. Controls take a bit to get used to, but it seems to be similar to the Portable Ops scheme.

Dark Souls 2's major update is gonna hit in early February. Dang. I'll probably be burned out by then. Was expecting it to hit sometime in April.
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Got a MH4U demo code. Wonder if I can play with a rebellious R button. I can at least get it working for about 30 seconds before it quits on me.
The demo's got online co-op. Excellent. The insect glaive is a strange weapon. Couldn't really use it since it requires R button for stat bonuses. Also don't know if it stacks with other attack up items or not. The game has a large focus on verticality, with the environments having ledges everywhere. I like the classic hammer. Good damage, even without being able to reliable charge attacks. Great sword was also good.
The areas in Dark Souls 2 feel way to small. And there's bonfires everywhere. I said this back during release, but it's more apparent now that I know where stuff is. Game is still fun though, thanks to the diversity in builds and such. Playing as a pure physical character is very fun. Using an ultra greatsword with a greatshield with very heavy armor. I even beat a katana user who parry and riposte'd me. I think it's about time I tackle the DLC.
Taking on Crown of the Sunken King first, since that's the first expansion by release date. It's more puzzle oriented, with levers and elevators. The enemies have a ton of poise and don't get stunned even by my notBuster Sword, so I have to resort to back stab fishing them all.
Broke my circle pad : (
- Blame is half on me, half on Nintendo. The thing is not that good for gaming. Rubber, concave, no grip. I get a sweaty thumb sometimes. Action packed game won't let me wipe it off in certain times. Replacement coming in 3-4 days at 6$ so... eh. Freakin let me smash attack when I wanna dammit

- KI: Uprising ffa multiplayer ; holy hectic crap, it's awesome