The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Broke my circle pad : (
- Blame is half on me, half on Nintendo. The thing is not that good for gaming. Rubber, concave, no grip. I get a sweaty thumb sometimes. Action packed game won't let me wipe it off in certain times. Replacement coming in 3-4 days at 6$ so... eh. Freakin let me smash attack when I wanna dammit
I broke mine before Smash even came out, so yeah... hopefully the New 3DS fixes that.

Speaking of the New 3DS, you should wait for that to use Smash Attacks. The C-stick really helps.

- KI: Uprising ffa multiplayer ; holy hectic crap, it's awesome
and also ridiculously laggy

I remember when that game was popular and I played it online a lot. I would kill someone, and then watch as they killed me after they died, just to see them die right after I died. From my attack that I hit them with first. I had a really overpowered Magnus Club at one point and I would use it against bad players and two-shot them. Well, I'd never use it With Anyone, because that was so laggy I'd kill them and then watch them shoot to the other side of the map and realize they were never anywhere near me. Playing it With Friends was fun though. Especially 1v1's, with minimal lag.
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The ancient dragon's down. Finally did it again. I truly loathe that thing and whoever was behind the fight's design. Used the gyrm shield for fire resistance, which I only needed for a short vulnerability window of about 2 seconds where I didn't run away far enough from it's flying fireball aoe of insta-death. Now I can finally move on to Vendrick, and then the rest of the dlc's.

Played some MH3U. I can get the R button stable enough to reliably use a hammer, but it looks like I'll never be able to use it for blocking or gunning. Don't really mind, as I doubt I'll ever be able to use a bowgun like in vanilla Tri. Now that was an unforgettable bowgunner experience. I am curious as to how good the bug staff can be. Seemed a bit unwield when I tried it. Probably need dual gamepads for that.
I got bored of Tomodachi Life a while ago. Oh well. I downloaded Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil with the retexture pack -- I was thrilled to find out it did not override Zun's amazingly fantastic character art. I would say the game is hard as balls, but after my discovery of the ability to add more lives as well as my discovery of the focus button, it may actually be manageable. Haven't really been playing it much due to other obligations, when I get some of those out of the way I'll let it take me in.
Made it to Brachydios and got it in my first try. It was a spectacular fight. Not a fan of explosions, but it was still very fun.

I was thrilled to find out it did not override Zun's amazingly fantastic character art.

I have to admit Scarlet Devil's Sakuya is a strong contender for best art. In his defense, he makes the games while drunk. He does eventually get better with the newer games.

Also, PC-98, never forget:
Darkest Dungeon is currently GOTY. At least, until MH4U. And then XenoX. This'll probably be a good year. But yes, for being in early access, Dankest Dungeon's got a ton stuff that I love in a genre I don't even care for.
I broke mine before Smash even came out, so yeah... hopefully the New 3DS fixes that.

Speaking of the New 3DS, you should wait for that to use Smash Attacks. The C-stick really helps.
Not gonna pick one up unless there's a special edition I care about. Smash for example.
Fire Emblem maybe.

and also ridiculously laggy

I remember when that game was popular and I played it online a lot. I would kill someone, and then watch as they killed me after they died, just to see them die right after I died. From my attack that I hit them with first. I had a really overpowered Magnus Club at one point and I would use it against bad players and two-shot them. Well, I'd never use it With Anyone, because that was so laggy I'd kill them and then watch them shoot to the other side of the map and realize they were never anywhere near me. Playing it With Friends was fun though. Especially 1v1's, with minimal lag.
Yeah, I mostly only play offline. Takes forever online sometimes. Some people really know how to take advantage of it. Sometimes it makes me rage, but it's got nothing on Mario Kart/Party. This game actually requires so tactical thinking.
Reached Gran Pulse after about 20+ hours. If the game were like this from the beginning, the game would be among the better Final Fantasies. Story has been pulled to the back, but it also means less nonsense. Really, it reminds me of Gaur Plains, something that only took about 2 hours to reach in Xenoblade. Even has a similar sidequest system. I'd never thought I'd be happy to see Xenoblade-styled sidequests, but XIII proved me wrong.
been playing monstro hatter 4

going on boss quests while forgetting to bring rations is the worst
It's worse when it's an online endgame elder dragon that everyone prepared and arranged for perfectly, only to go and realize you forgot cold drinks. Not that that happened to me. Meanwhile, been grinding some Gore material. Seems I won't be able to make the Gore set until I slay some other higher tier monsters. Loving the Charge Blade though. It may be the bestest weapon ever.
Beat the "final boss" of the offline low rank story mode. He was a huge improvement over Caedeus from Tri. I enjoyed it enough that I'll probably make some armor out of soon.
Played some Perfect Dark on the 360...that game can get addicting! haven't played on my Wii for awhile :(
been playing monstro hatter 4
Why was Koi invited and not I? T_T
Was this about accidentally taking all the rare materials? Because sorrynotsorry

Nah IDK how to play it anymore. Last one I was "seriously" into was Unite and I rarely touched it after 40-ish hours. But 4 is fantastic and time consuming.

MM3DS giving me some nostalgia. It's not very long even with all the changes. 2nd Boss, freakin Goat.
Smash 4 and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

The former is ehhhhh bad For Glory players ruinin' the fun and everyone else counterpicking me with projectile spam, the latter is gawdess damn Insect Glaives are expensive.

It's worse when it's an online endgame elder dragon that everyone prepared and arranged for perfectly, only to go and realize you forgot cold drinks.

alatreon is most assuredly latin for "forget"

Loving the Charge Blade though. It may be the bestest weapon ever.

It's a switch axe with sword and shield with KOs with lance counterattacking. And it cuts tails. Damn-good fun. glaive and gunlance better tho
The atari twin towers, I have more carts as well
