The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

Getting it now

hate how floaty Nintendo games have gotten
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Still farming Low-rank things. What am I doin' with my life.

Spent a free afternoon on Glory Hole with Boozer. Went undefeated. Didn't that already happen once? .-.

Khezu is officially the worst monster, and I never want to fight it again.

Would sig this, but can't have serious quotes in my signature. I'd be breakin' character.

Also met joe.

Smash brothers brawl

its to floaty

Project M helps make it better

Sonic allstars racing Wii is better than Mario kart Wii, **** isnt spammed by the CPU from the start
Apparently, using a controller gives you the auto-aim feature of the console versions. That explains so many kill-cams. Hm, I may have to try this.

Farming Stygian Zinogre was quite something. I was already terrible at the regular one. Now onto mining.
Kirin is more evasive than a bloody Barioth. I dread to see how hard it'l be t' keep up with higher rank versions. Hopefully I master guard points by then, as Glaive is a no go for such a small, quick-movin' target...

Tearin' For Glory up with moar Lil' Scrub. Got two separate B-air gimps one game for a fantastic 2-stock. #airmac #thedream

That's the best part! =D Well I guess if you like collecting

I've always felt there t' be a difference between the two. Unlockin' things in say, aforementioned Mario Kart, always felt t' be a chore to me. Collectin' Pokemon or armors 'n weapons in Monster Hunter felt the opposite: fun. I reckon it's because collectin' is part of the reason why you play those two games... whereas unlockin' things in Mario Kart is not really a primary objective. Certainly true for me. All I ever do with Mario Kart is play with amigos, CPUs are borin' and unlockin' things for the sake of yields little enjoyment.

Project M helps make it better

If only Ninty would allow proper moddin'.
Evasion+3 and Focus. That should hold me until I find whatever lets me get a true GS set. Gotta have that crit draw. Found a stupid Rathalos Ruby from a tail carve and made myself a nice A-Rath GS. Made it to Shaggy online. Offline, I've got to kill a Red Khezu. I don't want to fight Khezu. S-Zinogre armor is crap against that and Khezu's thunder shield is unavoidable even with Evade.

Fought Seregios. Bleeding status is no joke. Its weakness is the same as Magala's: stay near its crotch.

Splash_King said:
If only Ninty would allow proper moddin'.

Now that Ninty will make games for PC(am I reading this right?), a dedicated modding community may spring up if the games are worth a damn. A creation kit would add limitless possibilities. Just think of all the pr0n mods. THINK OF IT.
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Dedede is the most annoying 'n automatic character in Sm4sh, for me. How sad this makes me, as I love how derpy the character is as a whole. Who would'a thought ye olde vBrawl chain grabbing would be more fun t' play against.

Discovered mixing Low 'n High-rank Gore gives impeccable skills, namely Sharpness +1... and shortly afterwards discovered this is not uncommon knowledge amongst Monster Hunter communities. Made my inner hipster sad, but forged the set anyways. Workin' on Jho armor next half for fun, half for the notable defense increase over this set. Just in case those pesky High-rank elders one-shot me or somethin'.
Cheda blade is the best. I never have to sharpen now and the GS is constantly at white sharpness. I hate Rathalos and its homing talon attacks. Most of my deaths have come from its stun/poison/followupattack. Makes me yearn for the Tri days when the worst thing about it was running around the map chasing it.
Unlocked everything on MKWii, YES I USED A CHEAT!! If the CPU cheats in every way I might as well join in
The Proudclad. No longer content with simply having several million hp and constantly attacking everyone at all times with no rest, it returns for an even more drawn out battle. Also, Rosch for worst FF party rival.

Frenzied Deviljho was fun, although very easy if one's fought him before. Only different move I noticed was a fast 360 tailspin, which doesn't really hit. Brute Tigger was also piss easy, but fun. This upcoming apex monster should be interesting.
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Played Rig Racer 2

I was expecting crap and I got it on a silver platter with ducks on