The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

That was the same amount I boosted to after Ukanlos. He makes a fine sword as well. G rank seregios is still as easy as ever, albeit with a ton of extra added health. Heard Diablos is in G2, so I will probably be getting that armor. Not sure on which GS to make yet.
My boyfriend is being an ass about Monster Hunter. The game isn't fun when I can't do what I want to do.
Beat my second playthrough of Radiant Dawn on Hard. I'm around Chapter 20 or so of Sacred Stones, so I'll probably get to finishing that too.

Might go to Fire Emblem 6 or 7 after that. Which should I play first? I heard 7 was a prequel to 6 and now I'm confused.
Suicide runs! Haven't done those in a while, but I've got my G-rank regi armor now. Not the best skills, but there's enough slots to let me gem an extra skill or two. I don't see how people have so much trouble against Seregios since his attacks are so easy to dodge and his only kill moves are his talon dives.
Dedede is the most annoying 'n automatic character in Sm4sh, for me. How sad this makes me, as I love how derpy the character is as a whole. Who would'a thought ye olde vBrawl chain grabbing would be more fun t' play against.

Discovered mixing Low 'n High-rank Gore gives impeccable skills, namely Sharpness +1... and shortly afterwards discovered this is not uncommon knowledge amongst Monster Hunter communities. Made my inner hipster sad, but forged the set anyways. Workin' on Jho armor next half for fun, half for the notable defense increase over this set. Just in case those pesky High-rank elders one-shot me or somethin'.

Dedede isn't the greatest in Sm4sh but, he's still my fav and I'm loyal to his fat derp ass lol.
In other words ya make **** work! :D I'm also huntin' on mh4u....and White Fatalis is the ONLY other monster
that's made me betray my Diablos/Monoblos T.T ah so many mhfu memories flooding back in right now. I voted for these characters on the sm4sh ballot:
-Roy <--- fire emblem
-Conker <--- conker's bad fur day
-King K. Rool <--- donkey kong
-Knight Arthur <--- ghost n' goblins/ghouls n' ghosts
-Shadow Queen Peach <--- paper mario
-Hunters <--- monster hunter
-Zero <--- mega man x
-Don Flamenco <--- punch out
-Zael <--- the last story

A dude CAN be hopeful right? Lol
Welp' if ya ever wanna sm4sh on wiiu or hunt on mh4u just shoot me a pm.
DB Xeno hit me with nostalgia so hard. I'm disgusted how much I love playing it with servers that are still quite bad.
I think I'm in the final "dungeon" in FFXIII. It's like a horizontal tetris.

Trying to finish up the rest of the 10 star village quests. I'm not sure if those count as G rank, since they have some of the exclusive monsters showing up in them.

Xenoblade chronicles is ****

Sounds like you need to git gud.
Nar, the story is dull, the combat is tedious, the characters are unlikable and it takes to long to walk places