Togg (and other stupid flaming spammers)


WiiChat Member
May 9, 2006
Thanks to everyone who reported him (signed on this morning to 8 emails about his threads), that was the correct response.

However, once you report someone for such behaviour please post in the thread that he has been reported and then ignore him until either i0n or myself sign on and deal with the problem. There is no reason to bloat the problem up to three pages of posts in 12 hours.

For those who don't know to report a post click the triangular icon with the excalmation point on it.

Happy posting!
And to them


During 2


i think there needs to be atlease 2 more mods to help keep order incase something like this happens again.
Mitch2025 said:
i think there needs to be atlease 2 more mods to help keep order incase something like this happens again.
I agree, this guy was here really p/o'ing a lot of people and stirring up a lot of trouble, and a moderater was nowhere to be found. Most forums have at least one moderator on at all times to prevent such occurrences.
well im useally on at 6am to 9am then 5pm till 8pm weekends when ever (uk)
registerednerd said:
I agree, this guy was here really p/o'ing a lot of people and stirring up a lot of trouble, and a moderater was nowhere to be found. Most forums have at least one moderator on at all times to prevent such occurrences.

Well, it's a smaller forum that's just getting on it's feet. Give it some time and things will change :)
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registerednerd said:
I agree, this guy was here really p/o'ing a lot of people and stirring up a lot of trouble, and a moderater was nowhere to be found. Most forums have at least one moderator on at all times to prevent such occurrences.

While I would welcome the help, that is ultimately up to i0n. Though marisa is right, this forum is still pretty small which is why we only have the admin and one mod.

This situation is largely the reason that I made my suggestion about reporting, posting that you reported, and ignoring. If you don't continually go back to the thread and feed the fire it won't anger you quite as much, other people know the problem has been brought to a moderators attention, and it will be taken care of in a few hours.
Although may be a small forum, there a ton of members here! I respect your decisions, i0n. But could you please consider the idea of having some more moderators? I wouldn't mind applying for the job! ^_^
I agree there should be a few more moderaters. Only a select few of course. Not too many but enoughf that at least one will be on at most times.

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