What on Earth did you say?

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Wii > You said:
Is this a high school or college teacher/professor? I'm just curious.

...Hahahaha... I'm 16, that means I'm in first year of college here... She believes everything written has a meaning. It's an english language class so we study basically everything from American English to accents...
Most of the people who complain about others not having good grammar/typing skills often aren't that hot themselves.

My English teacher (mind you, a 12th grade one,) could look at anyone's post and point out a grammatical flaw. There's no telling what a college professor could do!

Mainly, if I can read it, I'm alright.
If you can't read it, then learn it.

Most days, it's a case of, "I feel the need to tell you that my e-pen0r is larger than yours."
owlsgo said:
looks like a japanese prostitute i know

One: :lol:

Two: Frogger is going to rant at your Ayuumi comment.
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