against masty users.

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You're throwing out a red herring. My argument is not that the MAsterton is simply better than the shotguns before it, but that it is imbalanced. You're implying the game designers are incapable of error; if that was the case, there'd be no such thing as a bad game. Masterton isn't just good, it's imbalanced.
you don't need to resort to ad hominems because my opinion happens to be different than yours, especially since you openly claim to have not played the game.

Yeah, I misphrased that... I didn't mean to imply you had a short attention span, my apologies for that. I was referring that the thread was already a few pages long. Can't say I'd want to read a thread that long, just to jump into a debate that is relevant to just a video game. :lol:

The game designers can and do make mistakes.

I competitively play both pokemon and (before the Wii broke recently...) Brawl, so trust me, I know how bad game developers can overlook a broken element of a game. :lol: From what I've seen and researched into, the Masty and Proxies are in no way overpowered IMO.

personally its a bunch of political in game bullshit that was ruined by having forums that in the beginning set up certain rules that now everyone seems to think is the GE code of conduct.

Politics ****s up everything it can get it's hands on. :lol:

Masterton isn't just good, it's imbalanced.

Game data pl0x. How much damage does it do? Average range where hipfire/aimed is practical? etc. etc. We can all say it's broken, but unless you're stating why WITH actual values and statistics, not just opinions and cleverly composed sentences, it really means moot.

Sorrry man but you should play the game.

Trust me bro, I would if my Wii wasn't broken. :lol:
Game data pl0x. How much damage does it do? Average range where hipfire/aimed is practical? etc. etc. We can all say it's broken, but unless you're stating why WITH actual values and statistics, not just opinions and cleverly composed sentences, it really means moot.

The actual game data for the weapons is not at all accurate. For example, the terralite, anova, and ivana all have the same RoF according to the game data, but anyone who's used them knows that the terralite's rate of fire is not even close to the others. The Masterton, like the other shotguns, is capable of killing in one shot, and takes at most two if the shot is poor or if the opponent has bio/reactive. It's an automatic shotgun, even if one has not played the game, it's probably safe to bet that such a weapon is going to be overpowered.

Having played this game for a long time has lead me to conclude that it is simply imbalanced. The consensus view of the community at large seems to be the same (nothing against Wiichat, but the GS/GF has a far larger and more representative community). If this isn't good enough, fine, but I just don't understand why you seem keen on the idea that they are not imbalanced. Are you simply used to people QQing about games and assuming this is just another example of it? I admit that I complain enough and come off as a dick sometimes, but really, you'd have to play the game to know what I'm talking about. :/

Use the Masterton or don't use it; it's your choice. I'm just trying to say that it was a bad idea to put it in the game in the first place.
The actual game data for the weapons is not at all accurate. For example, the terralite, anova, and ivana all have the same RoF according to the game data, but anyone who's used them knows that the terralite's rate of fire is not even close to the others. The Masterton, like the other shotguns, is capable of killing in one shot, and takes at most two if the shot is poor or if the opponent has bio/reactive. It's an automatic shotgun, even if one has not played the game, it's probably safe to bet that such a weapon is going to be overpowered.

... The AA-12 of various CoD games can actually be rather underwhelming, lol.

Blah, looks like I misphrased again. I didn't intend to refer the specs of weapons displayed in-game, that's very often faulty. For example from my own experience, a lot of the charts of weapon data in the game Red Dead Redemption were completely wrong; the 5-bullet clip Carcano Sniper had the highest damage output on it's data chart in-game, but the other bolt action rifle had far more (one-shot kill anywhere on the body), and some other scope-less rifles also deal a bit more damage than it.

I tried (and failed...) to refer to game data extracted directly from the game's programming by people devoted to researching such things, to get actual numbers and the like about weapon characteristics, down to the smallest things like the formula used to decide how the spray of a shotgun works, and how much damage each piece of buckshot does to what parts of the body, i.e. body parts damage multipliers. The CoD community looked really far into this by the time MW2 came into the fray, but perhaps Goldeneye isn't receiving the proper attention... Maybe there isn't any extracted data of Goldeneye yet. =/ If that's the case, that's truly disappointing, since that really leaves this discussion to opinions alone, which is inconclusive.

I hate when others and especially I myself don't have the materials and knowledge to turn a debate to 100% fact based, ugh... Well, this is unfortunate. Oh well. :lol:

Having played this game for a long time has lead me to conclude that it is simply imbalanced. The consensus view of the community at large seems to be the same (nothing against Wiichat, but the GS/GF has a far larger and more representative community). If this isn't good enough, fine, but I just don't understand why you seem keen on the idea that they are not imbalanced. Are you simply used to people QQing about games and assuming this is just another example of it? I admit that I complain enough and come off as a dick sometimes, but really, you'd have to play the game to know what I'm talking about. :/

I've been debating on metagame subjects for years on end, so yes, I typically think the general view of a community is wrong until proven otherwise with raw data and tangible facts. By some miracle, it seems like most of everyone in this thread does know what they're talking about, though. I can say that's a rarity in my experience, and it's nice to see for once. :lol:

But yeah, I'm arguing mostly for the sake of the debate itself, to simply find truth in something widely accused of being broken. I hate to say I couldn't reach that end for the first time in awhile...

And yes, everyone who actually played the game has more credit to their word than mine. :lol: My own opinion isn't worthless, but it certainly is outweighed by everyone else's. I'm not trying to "win" this debate though, I was trying to steer it into a more logical direction. =)
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dok im not saying one way or another that its unbalanced or not. thats not the point of this whole post. i just think its ridiculous for people to constantly ***** about how someone plays the game and what weapons they use. and your replies just further vindicate my arguement about this whole situation.

and zan absolutely the crossbow is devastating. i wish they had more weapons like that. maybe throw in a tranquilizer from PD.
Last night I got a ten kill streak against masty users and I used my swiss army knife, and not the main blade, just the fish de-scaler.Joking aside, I don't even like the masty it can be easily beaten if you know what you're doing. I do hate playing against a team of high lvl guys who all use proxies though. Spawn, run, boom, spawn run boom. I do check the areas out but when you have a machine gun going off behind you you can't always take the time to look everywhere for proxies. However, and quite simply, I know I can't change the game or dissuade ppl from using certain weapons by using my Jedi mind powers over the internet, so I have come up with the perfect strategy. If its all getting too much with the mines I'll sod off after the game and play someone else or I'll play harder and focus only on the guys that are bugging me. It's a game, supposed to be entertaining and if I'm not having fun I'll go find my fun in another game.
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i cant remember what level it is unlocked but minesweeper would stop that, but u better check with dok if that would be an ethical weapon to use first, dont need ppl blasting you for using a gadget that is deemed wrong by the goldeneye ethics board :dita:
I have been watching this thread for the past couple of days and so I will stick my ore in and steer this debate into another direction. I do not think that the masty or the proxies are broken at all they are in the game for reason. In my limited experiance most 1st person shooters have a gun that is unlocked late in the game such as the BFG of Doom, however what I do think is broken is the lack of an option to restrict players joining your hosted game to certain guns i.e pistols only, or the feature of extra xp for a level1 player with only a Sigmus to kill a level 56 player with a complete arsenal. This I beleive would even out as the fact that as a level 1 player stuck in a game full of proxies and level 56 using his skill only to stay alive and kill higher levels instead of just the normal 5xp.So I beleive that the real thing is not that people use them weapons but the lack of reward or insentive to continue play when faced with people who just so happened to have been playing longer not always more skillfully not saying that people at that level arent skillful.Btw sorry for the long text with no breaks I do not have a p.c and this is done on my andriod.
The actual game data for the weapons is not at all accurate. For example, the terralite, anova, and ivana all have the same RoF according to the game data, but anyone who's used them knows that the terralite's rate of fire is not even close to the others.

I actually think the Terra was supossed to be the avona. The Terralite is way better at hitting opponents far away. It's hard to hit someone at a distance with the avona. The terra just doesn't have the fire power or close range thing going for it. But yeah it is was slower. I acctually want to use the terra but I keep thinking I just got done using that damn thing for like a million levels, I have the avona so it must be a lot better.
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hahaha well this thread is hilarious. i love when people make this so complex just over a game. you made it to level 52 to get the masty and 53 to get proxies. use them. theres no need to have people making rules about it. if they dont like it all they have to do is quit and find another game. not that difficult. and people dont need to be making 3 page long arguments either way about whether they should use it or not. its a game. youve earned them. next thing you know, the strata is going to become the unusable gun. soon enough everyone will just be using the kallos or the sigmus because its only fair.
Everyone calm down I was not referring to anyone specific. I was just stating my opinion in general. You have your opinions I have mine.*
My main point is that those weapons do not make you a better player and actually lead to you becoming lazy. And when it comes time for a clan war it will show. You use them that's on you, I don't use them that's on me. I am not saying never use them have some fun sometimes...I would just avoid them becoming a crutch for you to rely on for kills. I run into so many players in clans, not in clans, guys i recognize from forums and almost everytime they roll with proxies and masty lol. Sorry but I can not give you credit for a good game when you got 50% of your kills the cheap way.*
I did use proxies and masty for a few levels to try them out and have fun cuz like you all stated they are earned. But I packed them away and only have them on one loadout incase another player wants to try to play the proxie masty game with me...and usually it don't turn out good for them.
@Riordon, I have been in a game with 6 of 8 being 53+ and using proxies/masty...last night as a matter of fact. It was a conflict match in nightclub and being the fair cutomer I started out remtoes and strata. but quickly switched when I saw guys blowing up every 15 seconds. NOW HOW IS IT FUN BLOWING UP EVERY TIME YOU TURN A CORNER? I eventually won pretty eas ywith a 30-11 count but it was the lamest game ever. Now some of you will argue that I should use mine sweeper. Well I am not gonna waste a spot on that and I am willing to bet you don't have it on any of yours? And I am also willing to bet a lot who say they love proxes/masty are the first to rage quit when they are getting owned by them.*
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Also I am not here making rules. I am stating that they don't take MUCH skill to use. Use them, don't it's whatever. I choose not to until provoked and that's me. Just don't expect respect for being a good palyer if everytime I run into you that's all you got to throw at me to get some kills.
i cant remember what level it is unlocked but minesweeper would stop that, but u better check with dok if that would be an ethical weapon to use first, dont need ppl blasting you for using a gadget that is deemed wrong by the goldeneye ethics board :dita:

What the hell is your problem? I had my point and I made it. You don't need to put words into my mouth and then proceed to attempt to defeat an argument I never made in the first place. Don't bother replying if you're just going to say the same exact thing in different words.
it doesnt take much skill to use any gun at all. noob toobers have shown that consistently. i respect people that use them because they earned that right but i also respect when they choose not to because that makes it so much easier. i dont even have it yet but when i get it i plan to use it only on certain maps (archives, facility, etc) but if someone wants to use it on every map then they can. they earned it. maybe they overuse it but weve all done it. Imagine when you hit level 41 and the anova was the best thing ever or 45 and the strata was the best. sure it got overused but thats the point of unlocking it. to USE it
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