Best zelda?

Ness said:
OoT was still really good and one of my favourite games but MM was better

This is pointless but it annoys the hell out of me. Its spelled favorite.
I like Majora's Mask the best, but Twilight Princess might steal it's position.
i completed majoras mask but i couldnt get to love it beacause of the whole 3 day crap it started to get on my tits
but ypou hve to give it to n64 they managed to get to well gd zelda games out on the console before it was murdered by new consoles
I hate to sound like I'm jumping on a bandwagon or something, but I honestly think Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game. While it's true that TP isn't the huge leap in video game design Ocarina was, it is still an improvement over Ocarina- it's longer, there's more to do, the combat is more fluid, and the plot is better (not as good as Majora's Mask's plot though).
Nintendocam said:
No, that's the British way to spell it. Don't make fun of them!

actually theres no suck thing as "british way"

it is europian way

there are to many other counties who have used it and still use it
Hmm wel CAm i have tryed TTwighlight princess (at andrews house after the DDR Party) and ive played every zelda game (ulike you) beaten them and lets see witch one do i think is the awesomest its a very tough choice i will give to tittles

best concole zelda is ocarina followed by majoras mask

best hand held zelda would be link to the past on GBA with slightly improved graphics with Fswords followed by the Oracle games

note my choices do not include twiglight princess cause i am yet to buy it and beat it