manufan15 said:
What would you give it out of ten?? The whole game.

my personal self....give it a 9 out of 10....its really easy to control and everything.....its awesome!
diaoman said:
Hype? this game was never hyped at all....

I went to pick up a copy this morning at Game Stop. When i asked for it the sales guy looked at me kinda he had no idea what this game was or which system it belonged to:crazy:
After he checked around in back he told me his store hadn't gotten any copies yet because it was such a small release... Still not sure what he meant by small release.

Anyway, i drove 20 minutes away and got a hold of a copy. Been playing the campaign mode for a couple of hours and i can say this is a very fun game. The controls are easy to pick up and mesh very well with the gameplay. I cant wait to try some online destruction.
thenatrl said:
I went to pick up a copy this morning at Game Stop. When i asked for it the sales guy looked at me kinda he had no idea what this game was or which system it belonged to:crazy:
After he checked around in back he told me his store hadn't gotten any copies yet because it was such a small release... Still not sure what he meant by small release.

Anyway, i drove 20 minutes away and got a hold of a copy. Been playing the campaign mode for a couple of hours and i can say this is a very fun game. The controls are easy to pick up and mesh very well with the gameplay. I cant wait to try some online destruction.
Yeah, ebGames didn't know what Zack and Wiki was either. Idiots.
Fun so far. Completed 4 maps on the 1st campaign. Controls are easier than I thought they would be. Not much strategy on the campaign, will be playing on-line multi-player later.

Have a little trouble with directions, ran the wrong way twice.

hopefully some stupid guy will sell this to gamestop in a month and ill buy it as used!

Played 4 missions, watched my nephew play online mode with some random guy, overall i'd rate it an 8.5 out of 10.

Slight downside is the fact that even though it has an RTS element, you can't select multiple troops at the same time to attack specific targets. But you are given the choice of selecting ALL your troops, or just one specific troop (tanks, assault, grunts, etc)

Example: If you have a Battalion of Grunts, Assault, Tanks and Anti-air, You can't select the Assault and Grunt troops at the same time to attack a specific target you want, or to take a base. You have to select each one and tell it where to go. The alternative is to send EVERYONE to one spot, then pull back the ones you don't want to move in that direction.

It's a minor thing, i know. It'll take time to get used to. I have to train my brain to think to the fly again. haven't done so (in videogames) in a while.

Although, something i haven't tried is telling the troops that i DON'T want to move to wait, and to select the ALL option and tell them to attack whatever i'm pointing at. I don't know if it will literally make all the troops move, or just the ones i still have set on follow. I'll have to experiment with that.

IMO, the game is worth getting. I'm having fun blowing the hell out of stuff. And the cartoon-ness of the sounds and visuals makes it amusing to watch.
Getting my ass whooped in Skirmish on-line.
Took me three tries to get past the final map in the first Campaign, but now I have to go back through and get "A" or better in each one.

Man, no way this could have been split screen multi-player. Too much going on.
Whats up with these lost connections...cant play anyone right now
I am completely confused what is everybody taliking about what is BHIII and MHII I thought everybody was talking about Smash Bros Brawl but it's not coming out until Feburary 10th in America where are u guys.
I hate to say it but what is b wii?

Sorry for the annoying post it just seems that there is a lot of poeple excited about it and I would like to atleast know what it is ;)
Sorry again...