Gettin xbox in three days!

zachp18 said:
come on guys, this thread wasn't made for calling each other little bitches! lets stay to the main topic shall we?:thumbsup:
i say get Blood Wake, such an underrated game but ive had soooo much fun with it, also Kung Fu Chaos was the first fighting game i got into, its real funny and fun.
Well there is alot of games to pick my friend so if I were you I would save that money for a really good that you like when it comes out o yeah by the way if you have ever played any the Halo games and you love them the new one comes out Sept.25 of this year so I would make a pre order for it as you still can at your local store because if you don't it will be very very hard and I mean hard to get.If you have anymore questions feel free to send me a message back.From SystemOfChaos2200