Help with Wii needed

- Why did you buy Wii ?
I liked hows the controls worked. It was new and impressive. However, I might not have gotten the Wii if it wasn't for the constant pressure from my friends.

- Why didn’t you choose the competition?
I might get an xbox360...

- What features suit you most with your console?
Most of the games are pretty simple and always impress people that are over at my house. Its a very friendly and social system.

- What displeases you in your console?
The graphics, or rather, lack of graphics really bothers me. Its capable of much more than what current games offer. I realize that it is limited by Nintendo's bad choice in processors, but still.

- Your overall opinion about your console?
Overall, I like it. Sometimes I get bored with it though. If I would have known what it was like to have one, I probably would have gotten an xbox360. However, I like it enough to keep it... so...