IGN Brawl Impressions- Hating on Subspace Emissary

Wiitime said:
only thing i dont like is hearing negative things about it. but as for the subspace emissary, i dont really care. i will be playing online and multiplayer so much... yeah ill play subspace too, but mostly multiplayer and online...also making stages and doing all other stuff on the game.. this game will rock. cant wait to have it!!!
I agree with you on this topic, but dude, Yankees suck, Viva los Medias Rojas
Here is every person's logic on video games.

Until you have played it you will stick to your opinion, unless you watch your friend have a lot of fun playing it.

If it gets hype, it WILL get harsh critism because it will never meet the standards.

People will read reviews of the game that they think sucks just to check it out a little, and they will think about it.

You will most likely do one of these things when you read or hear about a game. That is why a lot of games might be judged too harshly, when in reality it deserves either a much higher score or less complaining.
the only good critic i have ever seen was the one to the spiderman3 movie, he said it sucked, and boy was he ever right
I thought SP3 was pretty good, not the greatest because i wanted sand man to die like he's supposed to and venom to you know, create carnage atleast for the next movie if their making one.
nic7 said:
Do we have a Halo fanboy in the room?
halo is fun, all a really do is forge and achievements. the only problem is the melee system, but everything else is fine. but call of duty was overrated. im good at call of duty, but its too easy. the maps are either too closed in or too large. i never really got to play the campaign. online matches are always too packed when your on a small level, get killed every five seconds. maps big with few people, last too long. thats just what i think about call of duty.
^^^ Lol not that we're on topic at all but yeah I like Halo 3 more than Call of Duty 4, I completely agree with you on the whole overrated part, I own both so don't hate on me. At first I believe Halo 3 was the overrated one, I read an article saying HALF of ALL Xbox 360 owners own Halo 3, that's amazing considering the amount of Xbox owners, congrats to Bungie, anyway any game of the that magnitude is bound to be overrated, even a little, and Call of Duty 4 on the other hand wasn't hyped as much as Halo 3 becasue there releases were in a month of each other but now after some people being disappointed with the amount of maps and melee system in Halo 3 many have turned to Call of Duty 4, a game with a much more competitive ranking system which is fast paced, attracting gamers of all ages, compared to the slower less rewarding Halo 3 ranking system, also Call of uDuty 4 ships with almost twice as many maps as Halo 3, adding MUCH more variety than Halo 3, all and all I think Halo 3 has much more to offer, also I believe both campaigns are AMAZING, Halo with the in depth story and Call of Duty 4 with the awesome atmosphere and realism, I rant a lot, not to mention I'm terribly off topic. But to be on topic... SSE is cool.
anax4aero said:
IGN always looks for the faults...apparently they don't like handing out 10s. Just watch how they'll ditch on the wi-fi for not being like Halo's wi-fi.

wtf there job is to review the game not just give it a good score for the good things and then neglect the bad things....i think there guna give brawl a 9.7 but thats there job
meh....its ok, i didnt pre order brawl for subspace anyways