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Brawny said:
Atheism IS a religion. Anything that you believe about the universe that changes your worldview is a religion. You can't really not have a religion. Just because your version is different than someone else's doesn't mean anything.

I'm with brawny on this subject.

People are been very arrogant here.
Jews are lucky. According to Revelations, after the rapture and during the times of tribulation. God extended a period of grace for His chosen tribe to repent and join the body of Christ in heaven.
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  • #48
Hey, say Hinduism turns out to be true. You are reincarnated. What religion would you be, knowing that whatever you believe now is incorrect. I'd still be a Christian I would think. It (in my experience) just leads to a better society. Even if it is false.

(And don't go and quote Salem Witch Trials and stupid stuff like that...)
Well I'm atheist now. .

would be buddha, as it is a peacefull kind way of life and it would make better society. ., .
im_a_super_smash_bro said:
but ottoman isn't accepting people who are atheist. I may be wrong tho....

Well of course i accept athiests. have you even been reading my posts?

I accept everyone no matter what they believe.
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yeah, there's a difference between toleration and acceptance...

I accept Atheists who aren't attacking me. Just like (most) atheists are okay with people who don't "shove their religion down their throats".
One can not say what religion is the one true religion and which isnt. Its unfortunate that people of different religions still can not co-exist peacefully to this day. I disagree with ottoman for saying Islam is the one true religion, because such a fact can not and will not be proven.
Well according to me, the religion that has no errors, and makes the most sense, is the true religion.

How can God make an Error?
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Why can't he say that Islam is the true religion. That is his belief.

You thinking that all religions can co-exist is YOUR belief. And besides, believing in one and rejecting all others makes a whole lot more sense than pluralism/syncretism
Well put Brawny. i have no objection to christians saying that Christianity is the true religion. Its there choice to think this.

Whenever i hear this, all i do is make sure that they know i respect their belief, and humbly wish that Allah Guides them.
Ottoman said:
hahahaa debunked? you havent even debunked one of them. your hilarious you really are lol. dont stop now please.

Provide the stats to prove me wrong because if you can't I have debunked your claims. Simple as. Or perhaps I should put it in simpler terms;

Stats or gtfo!

Brawny said:
Atheism IS a religion. Anything that you believe about the universe that changes your worldview is a religion. You can't really not have a religion. Just because your version is different than someone else's doesn't mean anything.

Atheism is not a religion.

A religion has a common set of ethics and believes (commonly called a belief system) which the followers of the religion strive to follow. For Christians, for example, this could be summed up by the Ten Commandments, whereas for other religions there are usually some sort of rules which people are meant to follow for <insert religous reasoning here>. Another example would be the Bhuddist belief that people shouldn't desire material possessions or the Catholic belief that people shouldn't use contraception/abortion.

Atheism, on the other hand, DOES NOT have a common belief system. Atheists could be pro-abortion, against abortion, against gay marriage, for gay marriage, against contraception etc. etc. The only thing Atheists have in common is that they don't believe in any gods - and that is the ONLY thing that Atheists have in common.

Like I already said; Bhuddism does not have a god so Bhuddists could be considered Atheists but not all Atheists are Bhuddist now are they?

Also, being an Atheist does not "change your viewpoint". People do not become an Atheist and then suddenly see everything differently. They stop believing in something or never believed in something; with religions it is a case of starting to believe in something or always believing in something. See the difference?

Get a ****ing clue.

Zeon said:
and to griver when ottoman said that scintest are converting to islam it dosnt mean that they have to convert in your university. I mean the world is a pretty big place if u think about it. Correct me i im wrong but i beleve unversitys have around 100 proffesers so are you saying you went each professer afked him or her if your converting to islam.

Like I said it was a case study. I can't really speak for the academics at other Universities since I don't have those figures considering the fact Ottoman is reluctant to prove me wrong by providing them - which makes me believe that they don't exist. Equally, considering the fact that Manchester University is one of the leading English Universities, you would expect such a massive trend to be seen in my faculty.

(And the faculty has more than 100 academics - the School of Chemistry has around 100 Academics, the Faculty of Physical Sciences also includes Physics, Forensics, Engineering etc. and has many more.)

Since the trend isn't seen here I am safely assuming that the trend is not as prolific as Ottoman has claimed it to be and is instead very much within the minority - which means Ottoman was exagerrating. I'm sure some academics have converted to Islam but I am also sure some have converted to over religions and I am definately sure that many religous people have turned Atheist or Nihilist - and I know that this IS in the majority.

Also - I don't know if I should take the opinion of someone who has such bad English seriously or not, but that's a completely different argument...

Brawny said:
Most ignorant thing I've ever seen. New testament was written in about 75 years time.

Average life expectancy before 0AD was less than 40 years of age. Taking this into account, along with the fact that the people Jesus associated with were not within the high society were the higher levels of life could be reached, I doubt that everyone who wrote in that book was able to live to 75.

I really, really doubt it.

Especially since the society in the middle east was worse off than the much more affluent Roman Society where I got that life expectancy from and so the life expectancy would be even lower.

Brawny said:
It (in my experience) just leads to a better society. Even if it is false.

Yes, a society where people who think the Earth revolves around the sun get hung, drawn and quartered would really be a great society wouldn't it?


As for me being ignorant - ignorance is assuming things without knowing what you are talking about. The things I say I look into and make sure I am at least vaguely correct before I start spouting crap - which is quite the opposite of ignorance. In actual fact I have spent half of my post correcting people because of THEIR ignorance (i.e. brawny and his assumption that Atheism is a religion just because it is tagged under religions on MySpace or something equally bullshit like that).

I do, however, believe that religions are just a crutch which people lean on to support themselves through life. Personally, since I don't do that, I see that as a slight weakness because I don't think people should need a crutch. For comparison - alcoholism is also another form of crutch as is a dependance on drugs. Now, to me, needing a religion to affirm your life choices is just as bad as needing alcohol because I don't think people should be influenced so easily and in such a mass-scale way...

Now you have my reasoning you can see it is a lot less ignorant than you would think - I just like to be insulting because I'm an asshole =]
Greiver, another hilarious post 10/10 :lol:

I dont need to provide you with stats, your claims disprove themselves.

"oh, not many scientists are muslim bcuase the ones at my school arent muslims..."

lmao, thats hilarious :) hahaha
Brawny said:
Why can't he say that Islam is the true religion. That is his belief.

You thinking that all religions can co-exist is YOUR belief. And besides, believing in one and rejecting all others makes a whole lot more sense than pluralism/syncretism

I agree, its his beleif, but it must be stated as an opinion and not a factand should be stated as such.
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