Lost Season 4

Yes, Jacks dad is there, but there are two shots of the chair, the 1st one when it scrolls up and is very dark. pause it and look. or go to lostpedia.com and search jacob to see the pics. although they make the picture lighter, its the same pic.
no it is him. definately. i didnt think it was either but you might be lookin at the second shot instaed of the 1st. lostpedia also lightened the image through photoshop so you can tell its him even more than you could already in the episode. Lost is soooo good. =D
maybe hes always been involved, just not on-island. and my theory is that jacks dad was bitten by the spider that nikki and paulo were bitten by. (those two people had to be significant for something). and when they thought he was dead, he was able to be brought to the island. whattaya think?
well, i have a feeling that the body might possibly be hurley or locke, since hurley apologized for going w/ locke. Jack said he wanted to grow a beard, so it can only be assumed that the season 3 flash forward was farther ahead then this one. i think that jack and kate were the only ones left by that time. maybe when (possibly) hurley (or locke) died, he was haunted by the fact that he knew they had to go back. also, i think they told everybody (aka the world) that they were the only survivors, cuz he made sure hurley didnt "say anything"
Oh yeah, thats what I wanted to bring up. The whole "I should've gone with you" and "Don't say anything" thing. Both of those comments gave me chills, I was racking my mind trying to come up with something logical.
hurley said something about being one of the lost 6 what was that all about?
...I've been to where they filmed lost..just throwin that out there :yesnod:
If I had to guess, I'd say they would be Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sawyer, Locke... ...and Ben?
also, whe hurley is interrogated by the officer and he asks if he met ana lucia, not only does the man ask if he merely met ana-lucia, but asks if he might have met her on the PLANE, which further provokes thought that perhaps they all agreed on telling everybody that they were the only survivors.
TortillaChip520 said:
also, whe hurley is interrogated by the officer and he asks if he met ana lucia, not only does the man ask if he merely met ana-lucia, but asks if he might have met her on the PLANE, which further provokes thought that perhaps they all agreed on telling everybody that they were the only survivors.
and not telling anyone about the island?..maybe to protect the ones that stayed behind?
^Wow, that is actually a tremendous thought process.

When they were talking about the 6 survivors, I had just assumed they meant they were the only six that made it back to society, not that they were the only six that survived the crash. Thank you for that speculation, good sir.