My Biggest Opprotunity Yet!!

F. He was so excited that when he hooked up the Wii he had a brain overload, putting him in a coma.

G. He began playing Wii tennis and sprained his wrists. Now he can't type.

H. While playing Wii sports, he forgot to wear the strap and the controller flew into his tv. And now he is grounded from the computer.

^_^ let the list continue....who's next?
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I GOT MY WII!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO

and i must say it is absolutley amazing! i am completly in love with it, and ive been meaning to come back and post about me FINALLY getting one, but yes Sunday i was so completly into it there was no time, and also i went to the Devils game that night sooo couldnt then either. and yesterday i basically got home from school, and played the Wii all day long! :) lol...i love it oh so much, and i got Red Steel, and Zelda, both awesome games. except Red Steels controls are quite difficult to learn...but Wii sports is amazingly awesome and if Nintendo didnt put it with the console so many people would have missed out on its amazingness and ill put my code up once i write it down, cause i dont have it memorized...yet....

haha grats! The pain and misery of the wii hunt is over.yeah...RedSteel was real hard to get a hold of in begining.
BTW what number in line were you? Give some details on the wait in line.
MasterJedi2U said:
Yeah be careful of these stupid Bundle Packs that BestBuy, Walmart, and the like try to force on consumers. And yeah I think if you get there at 5:30Am you'll be alright. Although to be honest I'd probably get there at like 7:30AM. But you know more about where you live, demand, etc. GOOD LUCK though and trust me it will be worth the wait. Feel free to ask any questions you have (if any) when you're setting up, etc.
Would you like to inform me on what type of bundles Best Buy push on customers?
I got a wii at Walmart, but went with my friend on a Sunday because of an Ad in the paper. So we waited at the door ( the 1st ones) and when we got in there, you had to buy (if you wanted a wii) Happy Feet and a classic controller. They weren't selling them without and he was pissed b/c he was wanting to buy Zelda but didn't have enough.
I got a bundle. God, the crap they managed to throw in there... Oh well, it was like 500 bucks, but at least I got one at launch, so I was happy.
I heard rumors that Wal Mart sold reservations for PS3's for $900