Official Control Discussion

I configured the Classic Controller a bit and now I find it freaking awesome..I just changed the "special" to Y and "attack" to B and I was away.

B to attack :S I could never get used to that.
Heh, personal preference I guess :lol:
i was using the wm and the nunchuk but recently tried out the wm on it's own (too lazy to get the nunchuck) and I was pleasantly surprised. I think I did better with it
this is bull. I totally use the WII controllers and I wouldnt have it any other way. I fing love then
I use the Gamecube controller, with modified controls so that X is set to grab and the C-stick is set to special attacks.
i use the gamecube controller since the wiimote controls and nunchuck controls are just bad.
wiimote running is a drag
nunchuck feels to loose from wiimote.
gamecube controller is awesome. has the same controls as always.
i was expecting more out of using the wiimote.