Religious gh3 issue

This thread is not about choosing religion or not. Its about a person that is religious, that wants advice. Lets keep it in context so fighting dont happen. Religion is not a good topic to debate.
Its just a song, just like killing people in a game doesn't make you a killer. Religion is a dangerous thing.
Marc said:
Its just a song, just like killing people in a game doesn't make you a killer. Religion is a dangerous thing.

Thats just an opinion. We all have them and thats cool. But you state that as a fact. The lack of religion is a dangerous thing in my opinion. No morals.
I respect that a guy is staying true to himself. To you its just a song, but to him, it may be against what he feels is right.
jared19 said:
Thats just an opinion. We all have them and thats cool. But you state that as a fact. The lack of religion is a dangerous thing in my opinion. No morals.
I respect that a guy is staying true to himself. To you its just a song, but to him, it may be against what he feels is right.
Indeed its just my opinion. He can believe what he wants. Morals and religion are differant things though.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you really think it matters so much, just ask your pastor or something. Wii and religion together are like...
Well, I have no Idea what their like, I'm not religious. Somebody's bound to be offended in the end. this post should be on like a "Christian Forum" or something.
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Thanks for all your replies fellas.

Anyways, the reason i dont ask my pastor or go on a christian forum is because they wouldn't know what GH3 is and would probably tell me not to play it or something so i would like some opinions from people who play wii christian or not.

And thanks a lot IcedEarth for that paragraph there, im glad i know the root of the song now and its not about worshipping the devil or taking the mark, that was my biggest concern. Like i said i know i wouldn't actually be doing that stuff but i was wondering if i would be affending god by playing it or even having it on my playlist :p

I'm Protestant and i also believe if you do something you'll be forgiven, but by buying the game i know in full what i am doing so the only way i can truly know that im being forgiven is if i suddenly realize how bad the game is and ask forgivenes but i cant just play it knowing i can just ask forgiveness no matter what.

I wont go to confession cause im not catholic and i can just pray and not have a preist have to do it for me btw.

Thanks again for all your replies.
I understand what you mean ronald. Just do what you feel is right. If you have to question yourself about it, then it may be best to stay away from the game.

As for Wii and Religion, thats not what this is about. Its an inidividual game with some material that a individual that is a christian may not want to listen to.
You have to do what you feel is right. I would suggest doing some research and listening to the song first.

My personal belief is it doesn't really offend God to play a song like Number of the Beast any more than it does to play most other rock, pop, or country songs. If you really want to nitpick there are things in most every song that doesn't really go with what is presented in the Bible.
people who say you just go to confessions after, you're wrong, dude its your choice, i mean i believe in god, although he is great, i dont think he would go crazy, after all you didn't make the game, why dont you ask the guy?
All I have to say is just don't play the song if you feel obliged not to.
Simple, just don't let one song ruin your experience for you.
I don't expect many of you to believe what i am about to write simply because Satan has 99% of you blinded as his puppets.

Fact Satan is real, hell is real and the only way to stop yourself ever reaching hell is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Fact Demons are as real as I am and they are attracted to things like the sign of whichcraft which is a pentagram in a circle which is liberally smeared all over GH3 on screen.

Fact Metal is the main drive of Satanic music in the world, am not saying Satan only uses metal as he clearly uses many diferent types of music but Metal is without a doubt the main focus of his music attention. This is why Metal has the most satanic lyrics & symbols. It's also why most metal fans wear black clothes and nail varnish and sadly this is why metal fans have the highest suicide rate.

I personally was a Punk rocker in the 70's and did not give a toss about Satan or anything else for that matter as I thought it was a load of rubbish. It was only when I witnessed the awesome power of Jesus totally transform a possessed person that I realised something was going on. There is a spirit realm that is all around you and your actions directly dictate what is or is not allowed to influence your life. I got saved and baptised by the holy spirit and through me God has worked some amazing miracles. I have witnessed the awesome power of God, seen blind people healed, demons cast out etc, it is all 100% real!

GH3 has loads of Satanic content that will attract demonic power directly into your life, if you are a real Christian you will know to stay well clear. If you are a bible bashing Christian that habitually attends church every week to get your passport to heaven stamped then you are probably laughing at this post now as you are just as blind as the none believers. (You shoud go to church but make sure it's an alive church and not a dead one)

I won't be replying to this, i have said what was needed to be said. One thing I must add is that everyone that reads this post now knows the truth. One day whether you believe it or not you WILL be standing before the throne of Jesus Christ to account for all your actions, you now can't say i never knew!

Shame Satan has taken over GH3 as it really does look good (apart from some of the music) ;)
2 words: Prove it.

If you cannot be bothered to reply, why should we be bothered to read your post?

It's not very often you see a Christian troll...
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To the OP:

If the issue of there being a song or songs with 'satantic' leanings in GH3 is so important to you, then don't play the game. I won't be playing the game anyway as I don't like the series, and prefer dance games.