Super Mario Galaxy or Guitar Hero III

Link_of_Hyrule said:
for the price of GHIII you can buy 2 games plus unless your good at it you wont ever play it

unless that is you're trying to get better at it.
This really is a tough one, both of those games are so addicting. Once you start to play either of them it's so hard to put them down. I'd say Galaxy though, based on the fact that it's a Mario game and if you've played all of the previous ones this is a must have.
Just got GH III and Galaxy on my birthday (5 days ago). I've played both...and Galaxy kills it. KILLS it.
Walugi said:

how does that site make the rankings?
does it combine gamespot ign etc or what?

Any credible review that comes up, they figure it in. It's, overall, a pretty reliable site.
cool cool thanks btw im copying whats under your name into mine :)
get both. I've had Guitar Hero III since Oct. 28th. Been playing it everyday since. I got Super Mario Galaxy today. Its brilliant.