Views on Drinking, Smoking, Ect.

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JCpackers044 said:
cigarettes are actual a supposed "great stress reliever" im not siding with cigarettes, just pointing out one reason why people smoke them, and cant get off. and Drunk Driving is a great leader in deaths in the US, idk how close it compares to cigarettes though. i wouldnt be suprised if it was greater than cigarettes cause cigarettes kill over time rather than anytime in an instant. one screw up drinking can cost your life, but it takes more than one cigarette to kill you, one to become addicted yes, but more than one to kill you.

and now commenting on loose cannon, being drunk makes you do things you wouldnt normally do, it impares your judgement and your personality changes completly. And people do exactly that say they would never get behind the wheel drunk, but when there drunk, they will think that there good enough to drive. and unfortunatley people that are to drunk to drive arent being stopped which almost always leads into someone completly innocent getting hurt which can really devestate families.

all of the topics mentioned can cause you to "alieviate stress" some people find shooting up will solve their problems, some think that taking that shot of tequilla will give them that extra bit of courage and some think that lighting up that cigg will get rid of that tention headache your kids have been causing.

ALL these things can cause you do to things you normally would not do. alachol does make you feel invincible and so do all the other drugs. i was once attacked by someone who was loaded on coke. nearly took my partner out with one punch. we needed 4 other cops to help assist in taking this guy down. mace didnt help (OC spray) and neither did our PR24s (batons) very scary.

and like i said before, drunk driving is more deadly than the aftermath of cigg smokers
JCpackers044 said: not really sure what point i was trying to make, just throwing out facts.

no i know what you were trying to say i was helping you out in pointing out individually what all of those things can do to the human mind/body
Tobacco isn't something I touch, I hate the smell, I hate the possibility of addiction, I hate everything about it. I don't judge people who use it, just understand it's just not for me.

I drink socially.

I'm what some people would label a pot head. I'm not the stereotypical pot head who sits around unemployed eating doritos all day. I'm 24 and holding a very successful career with the government. I've been smoking for 4 years. I'm not constantly "baked", but I am a frequent smoker.

All these myths about pot being gateway drug, deadly, etc... my ass. There have been absolutely no recorded deaths in history directly related to pot. Pot isn't bad for you, at all, I say this in regards to THC consumption. Some people may be allergic. It doesn't cause brain damage or perm side affects. Smoking pot is bad for you for the one obvious reason, you're introducing an alien substance into your lungs, ash.

I didn't start smoking because of peer pressure, not one bit. I started smoking because I stumbled across a medicinal marijuana law article and it mentioned marijuana being a bronchial dilator. I'm severe asthmatic, the more I read into it, the more I found out how it could benefit me. Some of you may know what a vaporizer is, but for those of you who don't, it's a device that heats up just enough to release the active contents in different types of plants and herbs, including marijuana, but lower than combustion temperature so nothing is burned, no ash is inhaled.

I talked to 3 doctors to ask for their honest opinion, after I explained everything I have found out, explained why I'm interested in trying it, the only thing the 3 doctors had against the idea was the legalities seeing that marijuana punishments in Oklahoma are labeled as some, if not, the harshest in the US. (A man in Tulsa received 93 years for growing plants for medicinal use, there are murderers who receive FAR less years than that in this state)

I have to carry a rescue inhalor on me 24/7. I've gone from burning up an inhalor in 3 weeks to a month to making one last 2, sometimes even 3 months on a good run. A lot of times when I feel myself having difficulties breathing, I'll take a hit, not necessarily clearing out a bowl in order to get completely hammered, but enough to help me out.

I'll admit I don't smoke for the sole purpose of benefiting my asthma. Yes, sometimes I just feel like rolling a spliff and soaking in a hot tub or warm bath. Yes I do smoke it the traditional way (bong, pipe, spliff, etc..) compared to vaporizing more often than not. I'm aware of the consequences, in both legal and health point of views.

I would like to think of myself as a responsible cannabis user and very knowledgeable on the subject. I do not suggest anybody under 18 smoking (tobacco even for that matter). For the most part, your bodies are still developing, let them complete before you start introducing them to foriegn substances. I don't deal. I do not push this on anybody, the only people I EVER offer passing the pipe to are people I know who smoke.

This subject is one a lot of people are interested in. For anybody thats of legal age, if you're curious, I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have on the subject, feel free to PM if you'd like. Just know my answers, in the open or in private, will only be in reference to cannabis facts, responsible usage, and I will ignore, without response, anybody asking me for a "hook up".

The only thing I'm willing to share with you is information, especially on this forum.
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paintba||er said:
People should also not drink or do drugs to feel better. That just causes more problems. If I did drink and smoke pot (not that I do ;) ) then I would do it to have fun not to escape from existing problems.

but you said that you did drink.....

ok do you have multi personalities or something or are you being sarcastic???:shocked:
Personally, I wouldn't advocate the use of any drug. From a scientist's perspective, I would say that alcohol is better because it can be metabolized easier. (That sounds strange!:crazy: ). I'm not a smoker but I would choose weed because it's not addictive like cigarettes and it does not contain as many dangerous chemicals. Unfortunately, like Loose Cannon says, it's a gateway drug and it's more appealing to teens. The reality is that teens will be exposed to drugs at some point or another and may probably try it. What matters is if they can choose the right path and stop before they get on the hard stuff like Courtney Love.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
see, i dont understand why people say that ciggarettes will ONLY kill you. alachol kills you know too and so does pot....BUT heres the catch

alachol if youre DWI or DUI (driving while intoxicated/ driving under the influence if you dont know what those abbrivations mean) can kill you. you know how many people die from drunk driving every year? ALOT same with pot since again it causes you to hallucinate and impare driving so that can kill you too

ciggerettes kill over time as well. you wont die from one stick BUT statistics have shown it does wittle away your biological clock there but again thats like everything else you do/take.

No one is condoning driving under any influence, but yes, alcohol does kill you in other ways like liver failure and such. But alcohol is usually only deadly when taken advantage of, this includes alcoholics and DUI's. If more people die from drunk driving that smoking cigarettes then why don't they just make it all illegal...oh thats right...they already tried that and look what happend. The point is, everyone knows how bad cigarettes are for you and if they don't they are idiots in denial. Everyone knows too much alcohol can lead to becoming an alcoholic or liver desease. And everyone knows that smoking too much weed can lead to use of other drugs. But if everyone knows this then why is alcohol and cigarettes legal? All three of them can be deadly, but pot is the only one that isn't a proven fact that all users will do other drugs too. We can already prove that drinking too much and getting in a car will end up bad, you might not kill anyone that night...but its like playing russian rulette. And cigarettes are so highly addicting that too large of a percent of individuals who smoke reguarly can't quit without help.
paintba||er said:
Thats the point. I was being sarcastic when I said not that I do them. I'm not going to admit to it on the net though especially to a cop.

good boy ;)

we've already had this discussion already through private IMs no need for further ellaboration.
bubba-ga-nush said:
I look up too you Loose Cannon.;)

theres that instigating/sarcastic "wink" again.....


wtvr man....
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