Weird Facts....

Are you fogeting humans we are anilmals
78.3% of all statistics are made up.
The best way to clean a traditional keyboard is in the dishwasher (I don't recommend this for wireless boards)
Bill Gates was one of the founders of Macintosh.
The duck-billed platypus is the only mamal to lay eggs.
not to mention my sig \/
A one minute kiss burns 26 calories
A duck cant walk without bobbing its head
There are more telephones in Washington DC than people
A goldfish attention span is 3 seconds
Slugs have 4 noses
Slugs go sqish when you cant see them
wiicanchangetheworld said:
Did you know that all polar bears are left-handed?
Did you know that the first Coca-Cola was green?
Want to learn more cool,weird, and interesting facts?
Weird Facts
I know this sounds like an advertisement, lol :lol:

how the hell do they prove that a polar bear is left handed? ask him? LOL just curious. :p :devil:
Give it a pen and see witch hand it wrigts with
* The longest words in English without the normal vowels are rhythm and syzygy.
* In the US (where else? :lol:) there is a town called Truth or Consequences, named after a game show.
* Costa Rica does not have an army.
* The dog in the Wizard of Oz film was paid $125 every week during filming, which is more than some of the actors got.
* Some astronomers had seen Uranus before its discovery in 1781, but they mistook it for a star.
registerednerd said:
78.3% of all statistics are made up.
The best way to clean a traditional keyboard is in the dishwasher (I don't recommend this for wireless boards)
Bill Gates was one of the founders of Macintosh.
The duck-billed platypus is the only mamal to lay eggs.
not to mention my sig \/
actualy the echidna also lays eggs and the platypus and itself belong the the classifacation monotreme
also, 99% of the time if you use a percentage in an argument, they will believe you
Wiiboy93 said:
A one minute kiss burns 26 calories
A duck cant walk without bobbing its head
There are more telephones in Washington DC than people
A goldfish attention span is 3 seconds
Slugs have 4 noses
Thats a myth completly not true It was even on mythbusters I think
Napalmbrain said:
* The longest words in English without the normal vowels are rhythm and syzygy.

Forgeting Why